Star Trek: Picard

Well that episode was horrible.

wtf is it with TV shows having the most OTT one dimensional villains. As soon as the robot lady twin appeared within one second it was so obviously a baddy. Just whyyy.

Dedicating an entire season (so far) to a single story...was a pretty dumb move overall.

It works as a format if the story moves forwards. Picard just seems to move so slowly, you get to the end of an episode and think there's been hardly any progression on the main storyline. There's too much relationship drama taking up precious screen time, which is fine on a 24 episode series in episodic format (ie different story each week). When it's only 10 episodes with a single plot arc, you can't afford such filler and not move the main story forwards.
Well i called it, that body soong was making did end up being used to "save" picard from the brain threat. It just was so obvious when we saw it i think and Picards near demise looming, it just made sense. This episode wasnt too bad i mean sure theres a few things that could be better but i wont nitpick too much. Tho i do think the bit where 7 and rafi were holding hands at the end was a bit weird as they just basically met so why would that indicate there attracted to each other and them sorta hinting there gona be a couple in s2 i dunno it just doesnt make sense as 7 isnt like that if we think back to how her and checotay (sp) were sorta dating at the end of voyager. I mean sure she might switch sides after 20 years or so but i dunno i just dont get that about her.

Its nice that the new soong switched sides and helped after he found video proof that the bad soji killed one of their own.

The magic fix it tool tho is a bit hard to grasp. I mean how it can fix anything with just thought. How does it know how to fix stuff without knowing how it worked. Not like the captain whatever his name is was a engineer that knew the inner workings of such things (i think).

I kinda wanted the borg cube to come back to life and help somehow like be a buffer between the planet and the romulan ships and adapt to the romulans untill the feds came or maybe i would have liked that only the borg could have stopped the new alien synths and the cube would have fought them leaking through just till soji changed her mind and shut the portal down but let a few stranglers through which the cube had to deal with first. I mean sure the cube was gounded but it could regenerate i bet and get back up maybe i dunno i mean it self repaired really quick just before it left romulan space didnt it?

It was nice to have data in the final too it was a good way to say a proper good bye to him vs the ending of nemesis. Maybe a touch too dramatic or philosophical i dunno but it wasnt too bad and was kinda nice. I think the picard that held his hand was a cgi of a young picard wasnt it from back in the tng days. Im sure he looked young in that scene.

The fed fleet looked cool tho i think all the same ship which looked like a cranked up intrepid class type ship as it had a very voyager feel to it. I do wonder if the feds used the future tech from the last episode of voyager so the super batman armor plating and the advanced weapons etc. Who knows as we never got to see them fight.

I do feel that the story ended with picard getting a new synth body was a bit of a iffy situation tho. I dont think picard would have liked that tbh not the picard from tng and i dunno if they should have done it as it now opens up to basically what the show Altered Carbon is with immortal humans switching skins all the time. Is that the future of trek from this point onwards. Maybe the romulans had a point with stopping synths and the feds banning it as it could lead to what has happened. So has Picard actually died with a soul or is he really the same Picard in this new body or is it just a copy of a great man with his memories but lost his soul. Who knows.
Yeah i dunno why the sword elf was needed in this show he done nothing except kill a few bad guys which a phaser from the others would have done easy enough. The show runner just wanted somit diff i guess and cool for the kids to see.
Am slowly working my way through this. It appears to be as poor as Discovery so far.

How did Data get fat? He’s an Android that’s supposed to have been dead for 20 years, so why does he look to have eaten all the pies in Picard’s dreams?

Also, who else hears Simply Red singing “Holding back the ears...” when the Vulcan Commodore appears in a scene?
Data i think could have looked thinner as he isnt that big as u can see from the other soong so im thinking just bad make up and thick clothes put on compared to the stuff he wore in the tng time he was on the show. I think its the hair too. In tng it wasnt as thick and it was put combed back but in this its different and makes his face look fatter i think.
Only thing which is amusing is his emotional age is like a 6 year old.
Lol true. Plus arnt vulcans and romulans share the same lifespan so really he might look like 20 but in romulan years be more older and hopefully more mature by then. Guess not tho. How he got accepted in to this secret body guard order based on this performance of being a child like adult i just dont get it. Is all you have to do to become one of them is be good with a sword but can be a child in attitude then meh some order that is.
Am slowly working my way through this. It appears to be as poor as Discovery so far.

How did Data get fat? He’s an Android that’s supposed to have been dead for 20 years, so why does he look to have eaten all the pies in Picard’s dreams?

Also, who else hears Simply Red singing “Holding back the ears...” when the Vulcan Commodore appears in a scene?
It's a dream, so Data can look anyway. Picard may have imagined him being older as part of the dream.

I did really enjoy the finale. Some cool moments.
Seeing Riker in uniform commanding a ship was fantastic. Wish we had some better close ups of his ship.
They finally tied up a true ending to data, which was inevitably needed, and I must say I think it was done in a way that gave someone have all loved for so many years a proper sendoff in true keeping with the character.

The borg cube was undergoing repairs/regeneration, so I hope this doesnt just get forgotten about.

What annoyed me is the elasticband storytelling in this season. I hope the pacing next season is much better.
Argh, some of that was good and had some feels (Picard/Data) but marred by some unforgivably bad writing considering it’s the finale...

1) what happened to Narek?
2) what happened to the XBs
3) why didn’t they have a scene of the crew reacting to Picard’s resurrection?!?
4) why shoe-horn in that Seven/Raffi thing considering they were strangers up till that moment
5) guess that means Jurati won’t be turning herself in then?
6) higher level synthetic beings = menacing robot tentacle arms, wut
Yeah some nice feels but honestly the whole series felt like it could have been done in about half the episodes.

1) no idea, likely left open for season 2
2) I'd assume diplomatic discussions etc but yeah could have had a little more
3) well they did have a few around him but still
4) yeah...where the did that come from...
5) yeah does seem a little weird that one
6) Probably linked to discovery, looked very similar to 'control' enemy units imo. The beacon could have been a 'time beacon' similar to how the red angel body suit thing worked. There's been a few little easter eggs etc.

I was also honestly expecting them to have a 'younger' picard as the synth (that was rather predictable too tbh)... PS isn't exactly young and that would have given the show a chance to go longer etc.

This also kind of reinforced my view we need more 'continuation' stories like ryker and worf (seen rumours of klingon series), hell they could do one with Wesley Crusher due to the abilities he gained in TNG, plus I'd like a pre kirk series with Pike, he seemed to work really well with spock imo in discovery.
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