1) Before we start - only the tenth episode in all of Trek to get an episode title in Latin. TNG had one ("Sub Rosa"), DS9 two ("Dramatis Personae", "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"), Voyager had three ("Ex Post Facto", "Non Sequitur", "Alter Ego"). Enterprise had a couple ("Terra Nova" and "Vox Sola"). And STD had the one ("Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum").
2) On with the show then, and a recap for the apparent morons in the audience who have no kind of memory.
3) Hey, no flashback to open the episode. Instead, Jurati somewhat disconcerted (read: terrified) by the space turbulence of the transwarp conduit. I'm not sure that lass is cut out for space...how's she going to do when they get into a space battle with the Romulans, and consoles start exploding due to the circuit breaker being outlawed in the future?
4) On the bridge - Soji and Rios seem to be rather enjoying it, and Picard is fascinated by it.
5) *Hums Doctor Who theme to himself*
6) And the La Sirena emerges at a planet that does look to be Class M. With some clear thunderstorm activity going on in the atmosphere, neat touch by the VFX team.
7) Picard with the pertinent question - did they beat the Romulans there?
8) Raffi's sensors think that they did.
9) Jurati pops back up to the bridge wondering about the change in course and whether or not she's still going to be under arrest. I'm gonna go with...yes. Yes, you are. You
killed a man, you dozy bint!
10) 25 light years in fifteen minutes. That's booking it. Gonna go back and calculate a warp factor for that later.
11) Soji's world has a name - Coppelius.
12) Everyone seems happy. Counting down to everything going sideways...
13) Called it! Red alert alarm
14) Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Narek!
15) La Sirena fitted with InstaSeatbelts™.
16) A valuable reminder for Picard and crew regarding underestimating one's enemies. Romulans didn't get this far in the galaxy without being able to extrapolate a likely course.
17) Some fancy flying from Narek matched by an equally fancy move from Rios.
18) The ex-Starfleet people concerned for Narek's health after apparently damaging his ship. Soji...not so much.
19) Surprise! He used his cloak to project an image of a damaged ship. Another reminder for Picard and crew.
20) Narek getting ready for the kill. But here comes the Borg cube.
21) Mildly witty dialogue regarding how functional the allegedly broken cube appears to be.
22) And now incoming bogeys from the planet.
23) Space flower!
24) There goes main power. And apparently the auxiliaries with it.
25) More mildly witty dialogue regarding the space flower.
26) Into the atmosphere we go, on a hella steep re-entry. This one's going to be fiery.
27) Oh dear, Jean-Luc's not well.
28) Speculation time while the opening theme drones on. Picard's neurological condition caused by the defect in his parietal lobe has accelerated. And either the androids are going to fix that defect and cure him, or work that Maddox was doing on the planet will hold the answer to doing so.
Now we have a flashback, of sorts. Picard talking with the doctor from the Stargazer days.
30) The reverse of the previous episode - Picard's turn to wake up with Jurati looking at time, this time.
31) Good thing the La Sirena was built with skylights, so they can get some light in there.
32) "The ship seems alright, but we have no power." You and I have different definitions of alright, Jurati.
33) She knows that Picard doesn't have long, on this latest episode of "Jurati is Burdened By Terrible Knowledge That She Doesn't Want."
34) Picard laying it out for the crew.
35) "Anyone who treats me like a dying man will run the risk of ******* me off. Is that clear?"
36) And straight back to Captain Mode™.
37) Soji 'pretty sure' that she was born at the settlement 5-6km from where the La Sirena came down. But her memories from back then are still a bit jumbled. Understandable.
38) In addition to the ticking clock of Picard's mortality, they've got the ticking clock of the Romulan arrival at Coppelius.
39) Picard bright and breezy, the air of a man freed from the question about what's going to happen to him. Raffi rather more upset by it all.
40) 'Homicidal fungi' could be a thing according to Raffi. Spot the former Starfleet officer who had to deal with Weird Stuff™ week in, week out
41) Handing Soji a gun in case she runs into her "***-hole Romulan ex".
42) Speaking of, did we see if Narek's ship got snared by an orchid? I know the Borg cube was.
43) And indeed the Borg cube appears to have not so much landed as impacted.
44) Trekking (
) over to the cube crash site. They're going to be pretty upset when they find out Narissa killed Hugh.
45) More thunderstorms in the sky.
46) Yep, that is definitely a broken cube.
47) A bunch of xBs still alive.
48) Elnor glad to see Picard, and immediately glomps him
49) Seven making a Dramatic Entrance™ again.
50) And relating to Picard her experience while connected to the cube.
51) That's a fun moment. Seven telling Picard that the xBs are using battery packs to get food replicators working again - Picard asking if they could get long range sensors working the same way in a manner that suggests he's faintly incredulous that he's the first one to think of doing so! Spot the starship captain
52) Scanners on...and they've got 218 Warbirds on the way. Some casual danger dialogue between Rios and Raffi.
53) Soji's found her photos.
54) Elnor's absolute candor in action once again.
55) A fatherly moment between him and Picard.
56) Neat shot, Picard walking into the bright light in the opening to the cube.
57) The settlement.
58) Rios getting in on the kickabout with the ball.
59) Whole lot of yellow eyes around here. Soong-type androids perhaps? Or maybe a halfway point in synthetic life between Soong-type and the more human looking Soji and Dahj.
60) Picard is known to them, as Data's captain.
61) Arcana touching Picard's face - "They're just...lines. But they imply so much more. Grief, endurance. Marvellous." What a beautiful way to describe old age. That old Star Trek spirit is still bubbling beneath the surface of the flashy CGI, modern way of storytelling and gratuitous cursing
62) I know that voice...
63) Yay, Brent!
64) Another one of the Soong family then - "Altan Inigo Soong, mad scientist" and son of Noonian Soong (who created B4, Lore and Data along with the replacement android body for his then-wife Juliana).
65) Exposition.
66) Hmm. What's going on there then?
67) More exposition from Soong.
68) Aha, so 66) was what appears to be a Soong-type android with Asha-type features.
69) Nice
70) Oh, that explains something. So this is Sutra, Jana (from the story last week) was her sister.
71) Sutra engaging Jurati re: Maddox's death.
72) Oh, don't do it writers...
73) Phew. Thought that they really were about to go down the Manchurian Candidate route with Jurati. That would have sucked.
74) That's kinda clever though - the whole 'what if the Admonition was meant for synths not organic life' possibly explaining why Romulans go nuts after experiencing it.
75) Sutra able to mind meld. Yeah. Right. Sure. Deus ex Soong-type machina.
76) Rios leaping up all concerned. Can take the man out of Starfleet, but...
77) "You're terrified." In fairness Sutra, she's been terrified ever since the meeting with Oh. And that was weeks ago. Terror now appears to be Jurati's default state!
78) *Hums Careless Whisper to himself*
79) Into the meld we go.
80) I am getting real Asimov vibes from all this.
81) "Fascinating." A very Data-like reaction
82) Jurati and Soong talking.
83) Soong beating her over the head with Maddox's death. But not without some level of kindness.
84) They've caught up to where Noonian Soong was in 2338 then, with the whole 'transfer a mind to an android body'. And once more the story telegraphing where it's headed with ruddy great signs surrounded by flashing lights...
85) Soji and Sutra weighing up the options. Sutra advocating battle, Soji wanting to find a way that doesn't involve a lot of people dying.
86) The androids found Narek. Now we'll see how serious Soji is about no-one getting hurt
87) Kitty! Oh, please tell me it's called Spot...
88) Spot II
And they made him, so a synth cat no less.
89) Rios going to try and get the La Sirena going. Jurati going to stay and complete Maddox and Soong's work to earn her redemption.
90) *Hums Careless Whisper to himself again*
91) Lampshade firmly being hung on the Trek trope of 'device with lights all over it to be waved over whatever you want to fix'.
92) Picard and Raffi going for 'awkwardly cute' or 'cutely awkward', I can't quite decide which.
93) Going to be a breakneck final ten minutes here if STP is following the usual pattern.
94) Picard trying to get in touch with Starfleet. Odds on his message getting to the intended recipient?
95) Narek in a cell whining about being thirsty.
96) Fortunately Soji there as a voice of experience.
97) So this android is Arcana's sister Saga.
98) Got to give Narek points for trying.
99) Again with the telegraphing.
100) Trek As Social Commentary, part ∞.
101) Ruh roh...Sutra turning off the forcefield to Narek's cell. Either that's bad news for Narek...or really bad news for our heroes. And since there's another episode to go this season...
102) Soji still thrashing this all out with Picard.
103) Trek As Social Commentary, part ∞+1
104) And that's Saga dead
This series has a hell of a body count so far.
105) Narek on the run. But he's headed in the direction of the cube. A), there's people there who aren't going to be overly happy to see him and B), the La Sirena is between where he is and the cube...and there's people there who aren't going to be overly happy to see him.
106) Soji asking herself why she didn't kill him. A rather more pragmatic character certainly might have. But then, Soji isn't a killer.
107) Sutra using the death of Saga to justify the synths going on the warpath.
108) Shades of how the Founders saw solid life in DS9.
109) Picard Speech™ time.
110) A speech which would have rather more impact if anyone present actually believed he could do what he's saying...
111) Jurati going with flattery to stay out of house arrest.
112) The bridge of the Romulan command ship, Oh running things.
113) "Next time..." Picard tries to convince Soji to Be Better™. Narek meets up with the La Sirena crew. Elnor throws punches. The VFX team work a whole bunch more overtime.