Star Trek XI

Can't wait as I've enjoyed most of the Star Trek movies, Voyage home was a bit too cheesey but Wrath of Kahn and First Contact were both great :)
No flames here, but I will say that I don't think Avery Brooks is bad enough to be lumped into the same category as Kate bloody Mulgrew :) And even in it's worst, most dull moments, DS9 was so far ahead of Voyager that it wasn't even in the same universe.
In fairness, even though I think DS9 is great, Avery Brooks really wasn't that great as Sisko. His weird angry staccato delivery grated me after a while, although he did tone that down later on.
[DOD]Asprilla;10936643 said:
It's the Odd / Even rule. This is an odd numbered on so will it be the exception.

Wasn't Generations already the exception?

Also, why was Scott Bakula put into the indifferent category, he was Rubbish, always swinging around when talking, he was generally annoying.
Wasn't Generations already the exception?

Also, why was Scott Bakula put into the indifferent category, he was Rubbish, always swinging around when talking, he was generally annoying.

ST:Motion Picture -- Rubbish

ST:Wrath of Khan -- Great

ST:Search for Spock -- Boring

ST:Voyage Home -- Great

ST:Final Frontier -- Snoredom...

ST:Undiscovered Country -- Great

ST:Generations -- Not bad... but not good either...

ST:First Contact -- Great

ST:Insurection -- Horrible...

ST:Nemesis -- Great

So this film is going to need to be the exception to the rule to be good :D
JJ abrams - legend. I can't see this film failing.

Er................Good as some of the shows he's done, Alias, LOST, but he sucks when it comes to seeing the project through. Both Alias and Lost started brillliantly but then it just loses it's head and went down hill. Cloverfield is getting average reviews and I am worried about his name being associated with this one.
Ah yeah, I guess it is water. Still warping my mind a little bit though, guess I've not jetted off on holiday enough times.

Avery Brooks was pretty damned good I thought.

Insurrection was dire and a mega dissappointment after First Contact. Nemesis was slightly better, seeing it in cinema makes all the difference I think. Looking forward to seeing this one on large screen too.
I'm intrigued by the cast, Jennifer Morrison as Kirks mum and Winona Ryder as Spocks mum!!

Personally I'm not sure about Pegg as Scotty, I'm a big fan of his but it could go either way I think.
I am looking forward to this..

And the question about the nacelles needing fans I think thats before they invented Plasma Coolant..
I'm intrigued by the cast, Jennifer Morrison as Kirks mum and Winona Ryder as Spocks mum!!

Personally I'm not sure about Pegg as Scotty, I'm a big fan of his but it could go either way I think.

Wow didn't realise Jennifer Morrison was gonna be in it. Interesting.

Suppose she has the time now that they've made her character virtually non-existent in House. Thank god they didn't reduce Lisa Edelsteins screen time though.

I love all trek, though i do enjoy voyager more than DS9 that space station seemd a little stagnant and by the time they got over that my veiw was tainted.
I also loved Enterprise aslong as you could get over trip's ridiculous southern accent.
As for this movie, im really looking forword to it and its about time they realised that star trek can still be a worthy investmant.
As for Simon Pegg its like marmite it will either be a stroke of genius or a down rite mistake nothing in between. Any TREK is better than no TREK and love it or hate it Kirk is a charictor that just ooozes trekness lol and i know im gonna catch some flames for this but it wouldnt be the same without shatner as him otherwise it just wouldnt be trek, and cmon he does it so well!!

On a side note, fans on the nacelles are a bit of a flawed concept arnt they? is there anything to move with the fans that will cool them in space and if there is wouldnt they only need to be used when the warp engines are active so in effect renderd useless by the warp field that is stopping the forces around the ship tearing it apart. I mean with shields that stop debrea punching holes through the hull wouldnt it be fair to say they also stop the flow over the ship of anything that could be used to cool the engines, other wise wouldnt momentum itself do the job?
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