Star Trek XI

Stick me in a coma and wake me up when its released. I love Star Trek with a passion, when I'm coding I have ST playing on my 4th monitor, I've watched every series at least 20 times. I even got my mum watching it!

Damian I also thought enterprise was good, TNG was overrated and Enterprise was underrated.
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I love my TREK like you ive binged on seasons of trek time and time again, its hard to find die hard trekies these days so its a passion i enjoy on my own.
I really enjoyed voyager aswell the thing i think i love most about enterprise and voyager is regardless of how many times i watch it i allways watch them from episode 1 of season one rite the way through to episode 18 of season 7 (season 4 in ENT's sake)
in the space of a week maybe 2 at most and i get involved with the crew every time and its almost like you build bonds with charictors and im allways a little sad to finish it off.
I'm really looking forward to this - it's like they've taken the original series of Star Trek, but not made it as outlandishly ahead of itself. It reminds me a bit of Babylon 5, I always thought that the human technology was very believable in B5.

Thought you guys might enjoy this pic!


Where on earth did you find this picture?! It is simply stunning! Do you have any more great ones like this?
That looks amazing, looking more realistic and retro :)
My beloved holy grail backed up.

Finding it hard to get a hold of TOS

On a side note, fans on the nacelles are a bit of a flawed concept arnt they? is there anything to move with the fans that will cool them in space and if there is wouldnt they only need to be used when the warp engines are active so in effect renderd useless by the warp field that is stopping the forces around the ship tearing it apart. I mean with shields that stop debrea punching holes through the hull wouldnt it be fair to say they also stop the flow over the ship of anything that could be used to cool the engines, other wise wouldnt momentum itself do the job?

Those are not cooling fans.
Deflector dish is to stop debri, that sattellite looking thingy.
Warp field is created to move the ship at such speeds, not r...ok this is all in a science fiction world but speaking "if it was real" :p
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That looks amazing, looking more realistic and retro :)
My beloved holy grail backed up.

Finding it hard to get a hold of TOS

Those are not cooling fans.
Deflector dish is to stop debri, that sattellite looking thingy.
Warp field is created to move the ship at such speeds, not r...ok this is all in a science fiction world but speaking "if it was real" :p

Yeh i get ya now lol that sattellite looking thingy, i like it but yeh i understand now though they do look stupidly like turbines and i was allways under the impression that the nacelles created the warp field, my only guess could be that the turbines are an early busard ramscoop?

And that picture is stunning it's now my new wallpaper
Well, Star Trek XI (Or should that be Star Trek -I) has now been pushed back to may 09 meaning a longer wait than innitially promised.

This is really peeing me off having had to live on Boxsets alone for so long then to be promised new (I'm using that term lightly) material only for it to be delayed.

The reason for this, they figure they can make more money with a Summer release.
Oh dear, it looks lame. The only people i recognize from the cast are Simon Pegg and Sylar who will probably be infinitely better than anyone else.

thats the entire bloody point!

the actors in this are good actors but not well known faces although one of them had a major part in riddick and another has in Heroes.
Is this actually going to be a reboot (like the new BSG series) or is it going to be a pathetic attempt to maintain continuity with an ancient series that's so out of date, it's been retconned by real life?
When did the term "reboot" start being applied to this film, as if "prequel" wasn't bad enough. Really not liking the sound of it and this film will probably be a disaster but if it's not I'll be the first to about face and spout it's brilliance (But only if it's good).
When did the term "reboot" start being applied to this film, as if "prequel" wasn't bad enough. Really not liking the sound of it and this film will probably be a disaster but if it's not I'll be the first to about face and spout it's brilliance (But only if it's good).

i think it will be far from a disaster, they put the genre to bed because they new they were killing it buy getting it wrong again and again i hope there willingness to breath life into it now after a few years means there super confident they can get it rite now.
Not only does this film have to be a success but if it isnt could hammer the nail in the coffin for the franchise on a whole for good.
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