SWBF I did enjoy albeit it feels far more like COD than a BF game while not quite having the netcode of a COD game or the reward feedback quite at that level and some of the moments in the game especially with the heros can be accidentally quite amusing.
That said I think the game falls far short of its potential especially how feature lite it is in many areas I think the only real negative is the price for what you get - its a £20 game absolute max I'd probably pay £30-35 anything more is just taking the mick for what there is.
Get the match making/squad/partner system really polished up, few more weapons and options of customising weapons, get some more equipment in there (and refine what is there and the mechanics for them) so people can really play roles even if it doesn't have a class based system plus add a few more maps for most smaller game modes and a couple for 32v32 (I think 20v20 actually works out quite balanced on the hoth map for instance) and it would be so much more as a game.
Probably because yet again, its not a BF game, its battlefront.
Its lacking in a hell of a lot of places, and yeah, I don't think its going to be up to scratch.
Whether they fix the issues after launch or not is yet to be seen, I'll buy it if they are.
But I wish people would stop the 'oh its not a BF game'. Correct, it isnt, it was around years before in pretty much the same iteration.
Just because today people only want one type of shooter, whether it be COD or BF doesn't mean everything should be compared to them.
What if Dice decided to make a racing sim next? Would you all be in here moaning because 'this isnt how BF is supposed to be?!'
It doesnt need VOIP, classes, perks, ****ing SNIPERS, C4, leveling up or any of that **** IMO, it needs to be star wars, fun to play and nothing else.