**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Don't give into the dark side! :p

I am staying strong! I was very tempted a few nights ago to buy it, thanks to EA's marketing mouth i.e. Tony.... :p But after seeing more videos with the heroes and wall hack, it just puts me back to square 1.


I'm on a retainer ;)

Seriously just get the game Nex and Josh u slack jawed ****** lmao, its incredibly good fast paced fun. Wow at those graphic mods, me want some of that. 30-40fps drop, NOT A PROBLEM IF AMD CAN GET THE CROSSFIRE PROFILE WORKING LIKE BETA :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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No no no insurgency is awful. If you want to play a proper FPS game you need to play CS, everything else is just meh compared.

Nah bro, the 360 noscope through mid with an AWP for a 5 bang ace isn't my cup of tea. To faced paced for me.


I'm on a retainer ;)

Seriously just get the game Nex and Josh u slack jawed ****** lmao, its incredibly good fast paced fun. Wow at those graphic mods, me want some of that. 30-40fps drop, NOT A PROBLEM IF AMD CAN GET THE CROSSFIRE PROFILE WORKING LIKE BETA :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Ermmm nah, watched a video that showed an objective view of the game, and now I am back into my "Team No" box.
i think its a game you need to play to really feel how good it is mate. Ppls opinions vary, haters gonna hate etc. Game is so much fun, best fun ive had in a casual shooter by far.
I tried the beta, didn't like it and the full game looks much the same imo but with new additions that would annoy me even more :p :( Also, very concerned about the match making system, no server control so cheaters and the ping/hit reg. issues + only 4 maps and DLC galore makes me a sad panda :(
That being said... It's still a case of: "Oh great I snuck up on a few people. I'm probably only going to kill one or two of them before I get wiped." The fact that every round you shoot is a massive tracer makes this even more likely.

Yeah unless you stalk them one by one it's difficult, or you have an impact granade handy!

Nice to see the view shared. Interesting question about sprinting, something to test out when undoubtedly a team mate get's switched over to the other team as you join.

I presume you've tried out Squadron? Definitely worth it to hone your skills. Mix of player controlled and AI air vehicles so plenty of targets if you're not that sharp to begin with. Pick ups / repairs are low to the ground so test your flight skills once more to get you ready for those devasting strafe runs in Walker Assault.

Laggy? Not experienced this.
I tried the beta, didn't like it and the full game looks much the same imo but with new additions that would annoy me even more :p :( Also, very concerned about the match making system, no server control so cheaters and the ping/hit reg. issues + only 4 maps and DLC galore makes me a sad panda :(

Ultimately, this.

I loved the beta. You do have to realise that there are likely to be cheaters in every game you play (even ones with anti-cheat progs!). It shouldn't stop you from enjoying the game as you can just move matches, but I understand the rancid taste that may leave on your bamboo :p
I still for the life on me can't understand what someone gets out of cheating :confused:
The best I hope for in a game is a kdr of 1-1 and I earn everyone of those and enjoy the satisfaction that brings. I play games for the enjoyment factor and to be entertained, if I cheated my stats may say I was the greatest thing since sliced bread but I'd know the truth.
I still for the life on me can't understand what someone gets out of cheating :confused:
The best I hope for in a game is a kdr of 1-1 and I earn everyone of those and enjoy the satisfaction that brings. I play games for the enjoyment factor and to be entertained, if I cheated my stats may say I was the greatest thing since sliced bread but I'd know the truth.

Largely because they fear losing - they might wrap it up in some BS like telling themselves they are griefing other players or using every tool to win is the smart thing to do but ultimately they are just scared of losing.
They do it because they suck and/or cba to put the time into learning how to get good at a game.

Ultimately, this.

I loved the beta. You do have to realise that there are likely to be cheaters in every game you play (even ones with anti-cheat progs!). It shouldn't stop you from enjoying the game as you can just move matches, but I understand the rancid taste that may leave on your bamboo :p

Yup there is no doubt that cheaters are in every online game but when you don't have dedicated servers as in ones that we can rent/buy and control thus no vote kick etc. then we have to rely on FF + PB, which aren't great especially for a game like this where it will be extremely popular with young kids and generally they are the ones that seem to cheat, at least from past experience in bf 4 & 3, when it is school holidays, the game is almost unplayable due to the massive influx of cheaters :(
TAA anti analising... just looks extremely blurry right?

I mean... if you didn't look at the other options, you would think it looks quite nice. But then you switch back over and you realise how much crisp detail you are missing.
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