****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

Although no longer considered canon - thanks Disney - KotOR explained the blade colours as follows:

Blue - Jedi Guardian, focuses on lightsaber combat
Green - Jedi Consular, focuses on force usage
Yellow - Jedi Sentinel, mixture of saber and force usage. Probably fair for Rey, but you could argue the same for Luke who made his own green saber.
Red - Sith

Mace Windu had a purple saber simply because Samuel L. Jackson wanted to visually distinguish his character.

Probably no longer relevant to RoS though....

Thats actually a good catch, id forgot about the different blades based on style of Jedi. Pretty sure though that Kennedy/Abrams had no clue of this and just gave Rey a golden saber to represent she's bloody perfect at everything.
Although no longer considered canon - thanks Disney - KotOR explained the blade colours as follows:

Probably no longer relevant to RoS though....

Yeah I knew original EU reasons for the coloured blades but I was wondering what, after Disney threw all that away, the "new" canon was for a Gold/Yellow blade?
Yeah I knew original EU reasons for the coloured blades but I was wondering what, after Disney threw all that away, the "new" canon was for a Gold/Yellow blade?

Certainly would be interesting to know, but suspect it will be one of those things that goes unanswered, much as how Maz Katana came to have Anakin's/Luke's original lightsaber which Luke dropped in Bespin. That was even supposed to be a "story for another day" but was never cleared up in episodes VIII & IX.

Edit: having said that, I'd be amazed if this is Disney's last film to feature Rey.
Yeah I knew original EU reasons for the coloured blades but I was wondering what, after Disney threw all that away, the "new" canon was for a Gold/Yellow blade?
I thought it was perhaps something to do with shifting the notion of “blue or green good” / “red bad”. Life isn’t that simple.

I mean, the ‘historic’ colour coding is pretty silly.
One thing about the light sabres - just how slow and ponderous are the fight scenes in this compared to previous films, even the original Darth Vadar v pensioner Obi Wan have more pace to them.
One thing about the light sabres - just how slow and ponderous are the fight scenes in this compared to previous films, even the original Darth Vadar v pensioner Obi Wan have more pace to them.

I agree they are certainly on the slower side, although I think I'd compare them to Luke/Vader's duels in the OT rather than Vader Obi-Wan; that one is really painful as it's not just slow but also very uncoordinated feeling
Just got back from an IMAX viewing. Holly mackerel, the sound-stage when ...
Palpatine unleashed the lightning!
Aside from that; It was better than TLJ. Glad the third trilogy is now over. Please don't do any more.

On the other hand; the Tenet prologue trailer!
One thing about the light sabres - just how slow and ponderous are the fight scenes in this compared to previous films, even the original Darth Vadar v pensioner Obi Wan have more pace to them.
This disappointed me the most. I wanted an epic sabre (sword) duel and it never arrived. Not an horrific dance routine between Annakin and Obi in ROTS but something more akin to ROTJ or TPM. The sequence between Kylo and Rey was just a mooted swipe here and there.
Well I surprised myself and actually enjoyed it as a film, just wish it wasn't a Star Wars film. Or rather I wish it wasn't a retcon of everything thats gone before. I'm not surprised the takings were down there were few surprises because we've seen it all before. I enjoyed seeing the SW universe again thats something I never tire of I just wish they'd had come up with some original stories instead of rehashing the original trilogy like days old stale xmas turkey. Judging by some overheard conversations afterwards it seems I'm not the only one who wasn't over impressed either.

I've been a hardcore Star Wars fan all my life, it's one of the reasons I dislike the new trilogy so much. You also have the other side of the coin, the fans who are utterly incapable of seeing how bad some of these things really are. I've talked to a bunch (and there's a few in this thread) who will list the faults all day long, far more negatives than positives, but they'll still defend the movie as though it's good. There was even one guy in this thread who claimed it was a good movie as long as you didn't actually watch it.

The movie is objectively poor, if someone subjectively enjoys it that's fine, but don't try to polish a turd and tell me it doesn't still stink.

The problem is it comes with so much history and fan expectations that it can't possibly live up to any of it, people give similar arguments why there could never be a Half Life 3 game released. As a big budget blockbuster flick you can munch popcorn to over the xmas holidays I found it enjoyable but if you're expecting anymore you're going to be disappointed.

When was the last time that happened on a Major franchise? Your going back to Nolan's Batman at least. Even Marvel films are no different.

Marvel film are escapist nonsense but fun nonetheless, just go with the flow and leave your brain parked in neutral.

I think it’s easier to go ‘huh he survived somehow’ than try and figure out how the cloning malarkey would work.

That and the "twist the plot around a few times a la ROTJ he's grooming Ren... no its actually Rey... not really he really wants immortality/regeneration all for himself! Bet you didn't see that coming! Hahaha!" er yes we did its been done before funnily enough by the SW film you're retconning.

So it’s anything we want it to be...just like what Finn was going to say!

I thought it was pretty obvious what he was going to say everything that was going to happen was telegraphed in advance its not exactly Dostoevsky. I kept wanting to say "she's not for you! You're not in her league son!"
Well I surprised myself and actually enjoyed it as a film, just wish it wasn't a Star Wars film. Or rather I wish it wasn't a retcon of everything thats gone before. I'm not surprised the takings were down there were few surprises because we've seen it all before. I enjoyed seeing the SW universe again thats something I never tire of I just wish they'd had come up with some original stories instead of rehashing the original trilogy like days old stale xmas turkey. Judging by some overheard conversations afterwards it seems I'm not the only one who wasn't over impressed either.

The problem is it comes with so much history and fan expectations that it can't possibly live up to any of it, people give similar arguments why there could never be a Half Life 3 game released. As a big budget blockbuster flick you can munch popcorn to over the xmas holidays I found it enjoyable but if you're expecting anymore you're going to be disappointed.

Marvel film are escapist nonsense but fun nonetheless, just go with the flow and leave your brain parked in neutral.

That and the "twist the plot around a few times a la ROTJ he's grooming Ren... no its actually Rey... not really he really wants immortality/regeneration all for himself! Bet you didn't see that coming! Hahaha!" er yes we did its been done before funnily enough by the ST film you're retconning.

I thought it was pretty obvious what he was going to say everything that was going to happen was telegraphed in advance its not exactly Dostoevsky. I kept wanting to say "she's not for you! You're not in her league son!"

So what did you think he was going to say then?
Massively average.
Better than the 2nd film, but how hard is that?

Not a drop of emotion, it felt horrible, every scene with Carrie fisher, feels wrong as it's assembled from off cuts which seem to make no sense.

I could go on, but honestly it's time to forget and move on. Hopefully there is better star wars stuff on the horizon.


(This is the way)
The problem is it comes with so much history and fan expectations that it can't possibly live up to any of it, people give similar arguments why there could never be a Half Life 3 game released.

I'm not sure it is THAT impossible. Rogue One managed to live up to fanhood scrutiny despite on paper having everything potentially going against it. It didn't create any major plot holes, didn't break the lore, didn't trample over legacy or use any previous characters as a rag to wipe the floor with or feed green milk to. It's now similar story with Mandalorian. We have at least two, if not two and a half recent examples that Star Wars features can be created without studio/directors/creators tossing turds all over fandom, going infantile for new generations, coming up with ridiculous mary-suisms and loosing wheels off a story vehicle on plotholes in every scene.
Just saw it today and thought it was okay. I liked the (grand) father twist and I thought the death star wreckage was well done.

I had a hard time with some little things like her getting nervous whilst climbing around said wreckage. I mean, she can practically fly using the force, but she gets shaky for a 15ft jump and they cue up the scary tension music?

The final scene was exactly the epic battle type thing I like to get from a good scifi, but I think they over did it. (And I didn't think that was even possible) They had so many planet-killing destroyers, it looked like the writers/ producers just ran out of ideas for conveying impending doom.

Death Star > Death planet > ....onehundredtrilliongazillion planet-killers.
Also what on earth at the end was the relevance of 2 ewoks looking up at a randomly exploding destroyer? And Bespin....

How? What? Who and when?

Are they ment to have brought it down from orbit with a log trap or a handglider and a big ol' rock?
I'm not sure it is THAT impossible. Rogue One managed to live up to fanhood scrutiny despite on paper having everything potentially going against it. It didn't create any major plot holes, didn't break the lore, didn't trample over legacy or use any previous characters as a rag to wipe the floor with or feed green milk to. It's now similar story with Mandalorian. We have at least two, if not two and a half recent examples that Star Wars features can be created without studio/directors/creators tossing turds all over fandom, going infantile for new generations, coming up with ridiculous mary-suisms and loosing wheels off a story vehicle on plotholes in every scene.

Not to knock the Mandalorian (which I agree is really fantastic) or Rogue One (which I also enjoyed) those two things have a bit of an easier time than the mainline trilogy. The Mandalorian is more or less totally detached from the main story and so there aren't really any prior expectations, nor characters or plot points to work with, and Rogue One slots into the timeline in a well established point meaning the broad strokes of its plot were already decided. So not "impossible" but still quite a bit harder than those other projects to get right
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