Hmm, seems like a lot of you aren't so impressed so far
I'm about 5 hours in and.....totally loving it. It's a real blast from the past.
I'd played all the original X-Wing and Tie Fighter series (first on a Compaq 486 sx25
) along with all the Wing Commander games and loved them all. Then, it seems, the genre disappeared as FPS games soon took over.
Yeah, there's the X series and Elite Dangerous, but I always found them a little dry. I'd always loved the soap opera/space combat thing going
So finally, here I am 20 years later and it's back to the old days
Dug out my Thrustmaster T-Flight PS3 (used once and then put away) - No issues at all. Just swapped the yaw/roll controls.
Using an Oculus Rift CV1 - Great performance, again no issues though, for the first time, I wish it was a bit higher resolution (running at 150% scale)
Favourite ship so far is the A-Wing. So maneuverable.
Trying to ignore the blurry mess of stars in the background
I can understand it's not for everyone as it's kinda old fashioned in gameplay. But for old farts like me....great stuff
Never imagined playing a game like this in VR all those years ago
EDIT: On multiplayer
Maybe on the weak side since there doesn't seem to be much variety but I've only played a few games so far so can't really comment. I do hope they expand this part though.