Star Wars: The Acolyte (it’s dead Jim)

12 Oct 2006
So this seems to be the title of the Leslye Headland star Wars TV series.

Female Sith Lord? Could be freaking awesome and bout time we get some Stories from the Darkside!!!
So my inner geek has exploded with all these announcements.

I would really like a show about a secret sith apprentice. Almost Force Unleashed like!
I get the hype but remember it's Headland and she's very keen (guaranteed?) to make it align with her (and KK's) agenda.
I'llll temper my excitement until I see whether this is more political posturing (like The Last Jedi) or actual Star Wars (I'm looking at you, Mando).
I get the hype but remember it's Headland and she's very keen (guaranteed?) to make it align with her (and KK's) agenda.
I'llll temper my excitement until I see whether this is more political posturing (like The Last Jedi) or actual Star Wars (I'm looking at you, Mando).
If rumours are to be believed that's why they are throwing Children of the blood and bone at KK. She has free reign on that.

It's hard to escape any sort of politics these days it's seems just as long as it's not woke trash and stick to the fundamentals I'll be happy.

Heck put KK in the bloody thing as the Sith Lord and let her apprentice throw her off a bridge to gain power and the show will be an instant hit.
Is he the one that started the rule of 2? I've read a lot of starwars books (the sheer quantity of them is crazy). Generally good books.
Darth bane. I have those books above my bed. They are unbelievable reads and gripped me from start to finish.

Some of Darth Talon pictures are not NSFW lol
Not sure how accurate this is but Kathleen Johnson just fired the director for this series to make way for...... ***Drum roll*** Rian Johnson! :rolleyes:

God help this show if the last Jedi nonesense is anything to go by. You would have thought KK learnt her lesson when she tries to shoe horn some Politically Correct message into the show rather than concentrate on SW.
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Mike Z. Wouldn't put to much faith in that he makes like 10 videos a day of trash with somebody new getting fired.
Yeah, he really does. As well as his clickbait titles, he seems to make extensive use of the "throw enough excrement at the wall and see what sticks" theory.
Sooo Headland did an interview. This isn't going to end well.

Leslye Headland interview on her new show:

•Thinks Star Wars is about poltics & fan opinions aren't valid.

•Hired a writer whose never seen Star Wars.

•Female & Queer representation is a top priority. "I literally cry whenever I see it."
So long as it's all been scripted ahead of time by people who know the material I don't see what the issue is. He's a great Director who should be allowed to do everything but write for the series imo.
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