Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Just read the multiple X-Files reboots press releases.

Doesn’t take long to hit diversity quotes. Does it? lol
Bob igor clearing house.

BTW this is not about saving money but about power.

The Disney board is in constant battle and heads have started to roll.

Investor’s (you know the people who front the money for most of the movies wanted some of their people on it. They failed)

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Anyone watching the fallout of the Shareholder annual meeting?

Some of the calls hah
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Activist director also hahahahah

What can go wrong?

Don’t think I have the energy anymore for Starwars it’s dead.
It's even worse than I thought then? Well played Disney, just when I thought you couldn't get any ********!

Oh shush, you just creamed yourself
God no. I haven’t even seen the trailer yet.

Too busy trying to ring a furniture store. I had half a suit if furniture delivered.


My day couldn’t get any worse
For all of Disneys drive for diversity, what they did to Finn's character was terrible - "hey we've got a great upcoming black actor what should we do with him? - have him shout Reyyyyyyyyyy every 5 minutes - awesome writing, that'll be a success".

The writing quality of bill burrs stormtrooper showed that somewhere deep in lucasfilm there is still writers able to crack out fantastic stories, shame Boyega got screwed so heavily!
My bad :(

I'm just not very fond of KK lol

There are actually 3 movies planned:

1st will be directed by James Mangold and will be about the first Jedi to use The Force.
Right decent director but we see how Indy turns out lol We won't have long very to wait.
There are actually 3 movies planned:

1st will be directed by James Mangold and will be about the first Jedi to use The Force.

2nd will be directed by Dave Filoni set in between the prequel and sequel trilogies and is focusing on the escalating war between the Imperial remnant and the New Republic.

3rd directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and will be set 15 years after Rise of the Skywalker, with Daisy Ridley returning as Rey, focusing on the New Jedi order.
Right I’m trying to look at this positively and I just can’t.

Are they purposely trying to put Lucas film down or just lowering the price for a sale.

Right I get KK doesn’t want different timelines..

Right so Ray is front and centre for 1 movie.

Surely you try and fix the problems with the character.

You have a director in your stable that could possibly do this. (Mangold)

But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

You double, triple and quadruple down.

You hire an intersection feminist “Journalist” who has made a “Documentary” and give her the biggest Marry sue that’s ever graced the big screen.

Are you trying to burn it all to ground before you retire?
Not surprised about Strange Worlds, that film got almost no advertising. I didn't even hear about it until after release when people were saying it wasn't selling well lol. Lightyear I still haven't got round to, I like Toy Story but not sure I care about a 'real' Buzz film.
They spent half the production budget on marketing 90Million
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