Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Go Woke Go Broke.

Well well.

Who said this is not a thing?

"For three years, we hired nothing but women and people of color,” said a senior film executive, who like many leaders in the industry is a white male. He added that he did not think some of them were able to do the jobs they got.

In hushed conversations over lunch at Toscana Brentwood and cocktails at the San Vicente Bungalows, some powerful producers and agents have started to question the commercial viability of inclusion-minded films and shows."

Yes fatigue does play a part but the biggest issue is the plonkers in Hollywood.

They have decades of wonderful books to pull stories from and they skipped most if to get get to the modern day bull crap.

Antman was a love letter to China to try and get their money. It bloody well also leads into a TV SHOW

They have created a mess.

No direction , No plan,

Who is going to be fronting these films going forward?

Most of the main characters/actors left won't put bums in seats.

This crap will be rebooted soon.

It's taking a while but even shills and the mainstream media is starting to change tactics because normal viewers can smell their bull.

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Well looks like the New antman film going to struggle to get the first Antman numbers.

Would loved to see actual ticket sales and not gross.

Also incase you missed it

Now I fully hope the people that are responsible for this disaster fall and not just the average Joe who doesn't have a voice which is highly unlikely at this point.

They did bring back Iger to protect their boardroom.
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How many reboots is that now? :cry:

I've lost count, the MCU and DC are a complete mess.

If only they had just made the films the fans wanted to see and stayed out of politics...

And what have they gained? NOTHING, the rainbow mafia don't watch, the fandoms are ****** off, the general public couldn't care less any more, their IP's are a shambles, no-one cares any more because nothing means anything any more, there's no consequences, there's no definitive endings, there's always another reboot round the corner, with another actor, and other boring ass "origin story". Watch it all fail yet again, and reboot following the same proccesses....
X-men will be the reboot now since they bought the rights.

Sorry can't say X-men is it X-Force now? :cry:
This is just getting embarrassing.

They have killed Star wars and Marvel is following suit.

Mando is struggling to pull in viewer's lol

The premier was worse than Boba Fett.

Below is bound to a nail in KK coffin. I believe KK was leaking info about the project to the press without it officially been giving the green light

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Struggling in the sense of being top streaming show of the week? (Yes, it was down compared to other equivalent series premieres.)

Also worth bearing in mind the only figures are from one research company.
It's lost over half a million viewers. How is that not bad in any metric

While Disney+ does not reveal specific viewer numbers at the moment, Samba TV’s data has shown that The Mandalorian’s third season debut was watched by just under 1.5 million households in the U.S. This is comparable to 2.08 million who tuned into the season 2 premier
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This is glorious.

Everything on Disney plus has been put on hold and release dates have been removed lol.

Where's the Marvels?????

Victoria info posted above was promoted in 2021 and has been one of the chief drivers behind "inclusively" and extremely vocal on the campaign on the parental rights bill.

Insiders are leaking that only Doctor strange made money. (Not counting No way home)

They normally report reshoots but they haven't been reporting the massive reshoots that's been happening.

Normal budgets around 150-250 budgets have been ballooning to 400-500 lol

Go Woke Go Broke

What a mess.

The need to put Starwars on Ice until they clear out the writting room.

This woman was sacked then a flood of hit peaces were released.

Now she's fighting back lol.


They have started to eat their own

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Well for a start you have the head of Disney saying “quality over quantity”

Marvel Stans. Yah all just have bad taste.

That’s coming from a man that has low standards hah.

1-1.5billion being cut from content. That’s a whole phase!!!!
Turning IP’s and Characters that you have grown up with into platforms.

Writers self inserting themselves into well established characters to have a moan.

Not hard to see why people have a vested interest in something.

Myself? I probably have a thousands of pounds into Starwars and LOTR merchandise.

Just to watch the franchise get blasted into oblivion for intersectional feminism.

“The force is Female”
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