Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

it's costing them billions.
Yeah, awful to be them

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Yeah, awful to be them

Yeah, it sure is, that's why their share price has halved in two years. Anyone that knows anything about huge businesses also knows that share price is what really matters. That's why they're having a yard sale...

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Yeah, awful to be them

Have a look at the margins for various parts of the business group. Disney+ ain't doing too well for example
It’s absolutely mad isn’t it?! How are people so emotionally invested in hating a company that produces entertainment?!

It's quite simple really. Disney have bought IP that is important to people, Star Wars being a prime example. As a result they're the only ones allowed to do things with it, and the things they are doing are ******* horrendous, a lot of which stems from clear ideology agendas and appeasement.

I, for example, don't go to watch a fantasy film to be preached at about the evils of males. Or watch a film with a rich and established lore to have it all wiped out for a Mary Sue.
It’s absolutely mad isn’t it?! How are people so emotionally invested in hating a company that produces entertainment?!

TBH It's no different to any company which buys a pre-made fandom and then changes what created the fandom i.e. When a rich person buys a football club and screws about with it - the fans go mad. A clothes shop gets a new head buyer and changes the style of clothes - shoppers go mad etc etc.

It really, really shouldn't be hard to understand - If you have IP with existing fans who splurge huge amounts of money on it then don't turn off 1/2 or more of those paying fans trying to cater for a much smaller demographic that talks lots but spends little in comparison.
It’s absolutely mad isn’t it?! How are people so emotionally invested in hating a company that produces entertainment?!
I like to dip into this thread every now and again. I liked the bit where a poster above said it's sad how Disney got radicalised, with absolutely no sense of irony :D
Point out the irony.
The fact that every tidbit, announcement, leaked photo, article, video, literally anything Disney does nowadays is immediately jumped on by a bunch of radicalised frothy-mouthed right-wingers determined to simultaneously shout down anything produced for perceived "wokeness" whilst rubbing one off, sorry re-posting incessantly, moron Youtubers like the Critical Drinker etc. that do nothing apart from get angry for ad revenue.

The fact that every tidbit, announcement, leaked photo, article, video, literally anything Disney does nowadays is immediately jumped on by a bunch of radicalised frothy-mouthed right-wingers determined to simultaneously shout down anything produced for perceived "wokeness" whilst rubbing one off, sorry re-posting incessantly, moron Youtubers like the Critical Drinker etc. that do nothing apart from get angry for ad revenue.


Pretty far from accurate. Perhaps if you won't so clearly blinkered in your view you wouldn't stereotype and exaggerate and you'd maybe see the situation more realistically?

Disney wasn’t the only company to loose their head of diversity^^

I like to dip into this thread every now and again. I liked the bit where a poster above said it's sad how Disney got radicalised, with absolutely no sense of irony :D
It's a wonder no-ones drowned with the intensity of the circle-jerking in here. Weird thread. Weird people.
I'd be happy if we could keep it all to one thread, ideally this one. It's literally got to the point where I can predict which threads will be trashed and full of spoilers, months before the film or tv show is released. Most of it under the guise of public service announcements :D

Edit: And for better or worse it's generally films and IP's I do actually like!

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The forum does provide you tools such as ignore.

Just admit it. You enjoying the car crash as much as the rest of us :p

Disney is more like the Titanic tho!!
I enjoy a laugh as much as the next man, but I don't think ignoring is the solution.
Like I said I'm fine with it in moderation, just not in every thread. The other solution is moderation of the other kind.

I'll happily admit I will probably watch every upcoming Marvel/Star Wars film/D+ series for the next couple of years. But I already know I won't post much in the relevant threads as they will all end up like this one, unless something changes.

Just create a thread in Speakers Corner called "Has Hollywood gone broke 'cos it went woke?" and then duke it out in there. Hell I'd probably contribute to that with the Speakers corner rules!

The fact that every tidbit, announcement, leaked photo, article, video, literally anything Disney does nowadays is immediately jumped on by a bunch of radicalised frothy-mouthed right-wingers determined to simultaneously shout down anything produced for perceived "wokeness" whilst rubbing one off, sorry re-posting incessantly, moron Youtubers like the Critical Drinker etc. that do nothing apart from get angry for ad revenue.


It's not perceived wokeness, it is wokeness, and they're usually pretty open about it. By the way, I'm very much left-wing and always have been. And it's not the fandoms who have changed and been radicalised, it's the studios because they're they're frightened of being called 'ists and 'phobes (not coincidentally what they call the fans when they don't like their woke shows) by the lunatics on Twitter who will never buy their products.

As for the CD, he's a published author and if you've ever watched any of his reviews he clearly understands how story-telling and narrative work, which is more than can be said for most of the people writing for Hollywood and big studios who are now on strike...

The fanbases of established multi-decade IP's like LOTR, SW, ST and Dr. Who to name but a few did not change (that's the absolute last thing your typical nerd, geek, or neckbeard ever does), their shows and movies were infected by woke activism via the radicalisation of the studios.

It's that simple. There was no real friction between fans and the studios until woke activism reared its parasitical head...
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