Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

they don't

it's not

they don't

they haven't

Why don't you write it how they actually do it? the rooftops comment is a perfect example. Why don't you say the words of what they do?
You can't say that they don't put identity politics at the forefront when this image exists and it isn't satire.

You can't say that they don't put identity politics at the forefront when this image exists and it isn't satire.

You aren't suppose to notice that, or the video linked in this thread from execs at Disney pushing ideology, nor the likes of amazon/netflix having it written down that new productions require a set amount of diversity in every single new production (its why im slightly tentative about Cavill's warhammer series being made in conjunction with amazon)
nor the likes of amazon/netflix having it written down that new productions require a set amount of diversity in every single new production

A bit off topic maybe, but i've seen this bandied around before in this sub forum. If it's written down i'd love to see a link to where.

I'm warning you now though, I don't want to watch a 20 minute Youtube video with a clickbait thumbnail as proof :D

Netflix have consistently cancelled popular shows with any sapphic relationships in them for a few years now. Hardly ‘woke’. Diversity is in reality, just a rebalancing of what was highly imbalanced for years, if not decades, perhaps a century or more in TV and movies.
A bit off topic maybe, but i've seen this bandied around before in this sub forum. If it's written down i'd love to see a link to where.

I'm warning you now though, I don't want to watch a 20 minute Youtube video with a clickbait thumbnail as proof :D

The wot thread from memory, I'll try to dig the post out
my bad it was the RoP thread

Key points;
*Each film or series with a creative team of three or more people in above-the-line roles (Directors, Writers, Producers) should ideally include a minimum 30% women and 30% members of an underrepresented racial/ethnic group. This aspirational goal will increase to 50% by 2024.
*Casting actors whose identity (gender, gender identity, nationality, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability) aligns with the character they will be playing.
*Aiming to include one character from each of the following categories in speaking roles, with minimum 50% of these to be women: LGBTQIA+, person with a disability, and three regionally underrepresented race/ethnic/cultural groups. A single character can fulfill one or more of these identities.
*Seeking at least three bids from vendors or suppliers on productions, one of which must be from a woman-owned business and one from a minority-owned business.
*Pay equity across casting, behind the camera staff and crew, and for vendors and suppliers.
*Amazon Studios will provide a report template for each production to indicate whether these expectations were met, that will be submitted within one month of the completion of principal photography. This reporting exceeds the minimum standards set by the Academy, but ensures Amazon is poised to report on the diversity of their films for Academy Award contention.
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You’ve just made my point far more succinctly than I ever could. Thank you!

That's my favourite coping response to be fair.


Hmmm, if there's no such thing as woke entertainment and political agenda led TV and movies then how come South Park have been skewering that very thing? Seems strange. I mean It would be sensible to assume they would know after 2 decades at the very top of the entertainment industry, where they have satirised everything left and right of the political spectrum and their own industry to boot, that they would know what's going on right?

So I'm left with a choice, I either believe these guys, who have produced one the most succesful TV shows of all-time


or YOU who works for SKY TV?

As you provided a (copy/paste) list, I'll do the same for you then, fairs fair - here's a list of successful/good (maybe not to me tbh) action films that have either a female lead or share a lead -

Alien 1-4 & Prometheus
Kill Bill 1-2
Terminator 1-2 & 5-6
Predator: Prey
Thelma & Louise
Mr & Mrs Smith
Tomb Raider 1-3 inc Remake
La Femme Nikita & Remake
Resident Evil 1-6
Fifth Element
Mad Max Fury Road
Alita: Battle Angel
Atomic Blonde
Underworld 1-4
Charlies Angels 1-2
Wonder Woman 1-2
Captain Marvell
Black Panther 2
Hunger Games 1-3
Ant Man 2
Black Widow
The Woman King
Star Wars 7-9
Star Wars: Rogue One
V for Vendetta
Birds of Prey
The Old Guard
The Long Kiss Goodnight - (a personal favourite)
GI Jane
Sucket Punch
Red Sparrow
Ghost in the She'll (anime & live action)
Mulan (animated & live action)
Oceans 8
The River Wild
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

So yeah there's 70 films at least before I got bored but there's still plenty more films from the 70's & 80's to go.
I provided a copy and paste list because it's verified data. Not an opinion piece.

I'd rather discuss it with the person who was making the point, and their argument (that I've seen posted before) is essentially that we had strong female role models in movies before "woke" came along, because Ellen Ripley.

The list you have pasted is just a bunch of random movies with women (allegedly) at the centre - But that's debatable and I did specifically state action.

I'll paste the same list, re-jigged slightly with my own opinion, but I would also argue that this aligns with the general consensus if you look at review/audience scores (I haven't got the time to bother doing that)

Movies made before people were constantly complaining about "woke" that are decent
Hunger Games series
V for Vendetta
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
La Femme Nikita

Are these Action Movies?
Thelma and Louise (Road trip/Adventure)
The River Wild (Thriller)
Hanna (Thriller)

Movies which I don't think qualify:
Mr & Mrs Smith (Jolie is Co-star)
Wanted (James Mcavoy was the main character)
Fifth Element (Bruce Willis was the star)
Ant Man & The Wasp ('The Wasp' gets absolutely nothing to do in this and isn't in it much, despite getting named in the title)

Are these movies that support the argument there were great movies with female protagonists in for years before "woke"? Not in my opinion, most are very poor to below average
Terminator Genisys
Tomb Raider 1-3 inc Remake
Resident Evil 1-6
Underworld 1-4
Charlies Angels 1-2
Sucker Punch
GI Jane
Point of No Return/The Assassin

Finally, movies that are either post "woke" or that many people complained about having female protagonists (especially on this forum) so surely can't be used in the argument?
Terminator: Dark Fate
Alita: Battle Angel
Atomic Blonde
Birds of Prey
Wonder Woman 1-2
Captain Marvel
Black Panther 2
Black Widow
The Woman King
Star Wars 7-9
Star Wars: Rogue One
Birds of Prey
Red Sparrow
The Old Guard
Ghost in the Shell live action
Mulan live action
Oceans 8
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
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