Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

believable character? She is one of the biggest Mary Sue characters of all time. She has literally never been in war and suddenly defeats the Witch King of Angmar in single combat because she swung a sword around in her room a few times.

LMAO, nothing to compares to little miss infallible in dumpster level SW.

I would suggest what "Movie LotR vs Amazon LotR" shows us is that, IF you have quality writing, quality directing, quality casting & quality acting you can easily change some very large things in a story and it will STILL be successful and loved by fans. It also shows that if you have NO quality it doesn't matter what you change/don't change, your efforts will still be derided by fans no matter how much money you throw at it.

Someone a few pages back mentioned "films don't fail because their woke, they fail due to bad writing etc" (to paraphrase) and I would absolutely agree with statement but with one addition, generally we're seeing that anything considered "woke" is also virtually guaranteed to be very low quality too (writing/casting/direction etc) inevitably linking the idea of "being woke" to "being badly written, badly cast, badly acted" etc which is a massive shame because it's been proven that, if you have "quality" then you can also have a "woke" film full of progressive messaging that is really well received by everyone - fans, media, critics, Oscar winning etc - such as Hidden Figures/Green Book (racism/women's rights) or Boys Don't Cry/Priscilla Queen of the Desert/Brokeback Mountain (LGBT etc issues) or Us/Parasite (social inequity) etc.

Sadly, the abject lack of any perceivable "quality" is endemic through-out today's modern entertainment and this means that almost everything created recently that talks about really important social issues, most of which really do need highlighting to get people to change, are easily dismissed as "yet another woke piece of trash" and it's no-ones fault but those in-charge at studios etc who choose to allow this low quality work to exist despite continual failure, knowing that it repeatedly damages their "cause" overall.
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When are people going to get it?

The problem with Disney is they went to a mental institution and hired the crazy’s and now they have an army they can’t get rid of without an uprising.

Try and tell me I’m wrong go on.

Their own CEO had to do a full 360 and come out and apologise because he said he wanted Disney to become less political.

Go on. Say I’m wrong!

(There’s video evidence btw as the apology was public)
Seems a bit intense of a message around a company most of us have no real stake in other than wizards are cool and lightsabers go woosh...but passion is passion :)
You are 100 billion trillion percent wrong.

To those who are too scared to post and just used the emoji, do you need me to school you on what doing a 360 means?

@ianh @jeffk @Bigpig

It's an internet meme thats over a decade old - - and being so old I couldn't believe anyone would still be "caught" by it, hence finding it funny that it did.

Oh, and it's not "too scared to post", it's simply using an emoji to laugh along rather than 3 people spamming the thread with a LOL post each, which is precisely the point of having these emojis added I thought.
Are you referring to ended up going the same direction as the company was going?

Political - 180 - Non Political - 180 - Political ?
Your post reads like he has done a 180 and decided to become less political then kept going and did another 180 to go back to being more political and woke and ended up right back where he started towing the Disney woke line. Doing a full 360 is changing his mind away from the original opinion then changing his mind again back to where he started so in this case ending up being full political and woke.
Don’t know what you’re laughing at big pig. Do a 360 in your room. Do you end up on the same position or not? XD
That was my whole point he ended back at where he started. Back to woke. I was laughing at Pottsey post as I can see his point.

Captain America and Thunderbolts pushed from 2024 to 2025. Deadpool 3 delayed a bit but still in 2024 so ONLY 1 MCU film next year :(


p.s. "Left" can't meme. LOL.


Captain America and Thunderbolts pushed from 2024 to 2025. Deadpool 3 delayed a bit but still in 2024 so ONLY 1 MCU film next year :(


p.s. "Left" can't meme. LOL.


That's sounds like a win for Disney tbh, less money lost on flops.
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