Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

The MCU is on it's arse because people are finally fed up of the bukkake of superhero movies and tv shows over the last 15 years. It's been ******* relentless and people are burned out by it. Can they not give it a rest for a few years to let people get over the CGI spoogefests of 15 years?

Its just a combination of over-saturation and a huge drop in quality. Its been a perfect storm. Most of their established characters have finished their time in the MCU and the introduction of the next gen has coincided with a drop in quality and viewer fatigue.

Yup, take GotG as an example, all 3 movies have performed pretty similarly at the box office. If people were sick of superhero movies then you'd see a massive drop off over the 3, instead there's been a small 20 million drop for the b.o. takings of 3 when compared to 2 - with the 3rd movie still outperforming the 1st GotG.

I would suggest this is probably because the first one was excellent but not a big draw from the get go. The second was a bit rubbish but had a lot of good will from the first and then the third was better but suffered a bit from a general decline in audience enthusiasm for the MCU. People are sick of the MCU but certain IPs buck the trend.
I can't even really explain why I'm not that interested anymore. Even if I look back at why I watched all the others (I was early 20s when Iron Man came out), I've never been back to re-watch, so any fond memories I have are just member-berries. All I remember is, keeping up with the story, going the cinema with friends until the conclusion that I saw in the cinema on my own - during that time I'd moved away from my home town, got a serious job, friends all started families, got a mortgage and generally just got ground down to the point where once End Game had been on gone, it was like, meh? That was good, but yea, I'm an adult now.

That's only my personal experience, but yea, Disney/Marvel are right in some respects that the target for their stuff has changed, but I'm not so sure anyone really wants to watch what they are serving up other than the nostalgia stuff - which I lapped up with Spiderman. Spiderman is familiar. The MM stuff stuff though is waaaaaaaay more interesting for someone in my age bracket, my wife is even interested in those films and has been pestering me for news about the follow up to Across the Spiderverse. Don't take that as me saying Sony have the magic formula, they clearly don't - I think it's just down to familiarity and good writing, it's that simple.

There is a lot of negativity around any Marvel/Disney stuff now, toxic even. It's not got the wide appeal the older stuff had. I think that's more a reflection on society more than the content that's being put out. We're now forming tribes over ****ing media franchises ffs.

Superhero fatigue? Explain please
If you ignore the recent superhero movies that made 800 million plus and instead just take the bombs the obvious reason is superhero fatigue- absolutely nothing to do with ****** writing, unlikeable characters or the same old tired messaging...!
Another 200 million bomb from Disney? I swear half these box office fails are just money laundering scams :cry:
Slow news day so just a little bribery and more on the proxy war.

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