Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Knock off Captain America :( why people keep giving Anthony Mackie acting gigs I'll never know

"'Tis a most perplexing case my dear Watson, it is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma ...a two pipe problem and no mistake"

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don't understand how a guy with absolutely no super powers can become capt america when the original one was artificially enhanced for speed/strength etc. Basically they are saying any joe bloggs could be capt america

Are you surprised? Marvel now has overweight children with no powers beating up adults, anything goes

The next avengers movie will be called Avengers: Children of the Corn
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Talking of Disney, they are involved in a reboot of The X-Files unfortunately...

From the news leak..

"“I just spoke to a young man, Ryan Coogler, who is going to remount The X-Files with a diverse cast."
Talking of Disney, they are involved in a reboot of The X-Files unfortunately...

From the news leak..

"“I just spoke to a young man, Ryan Coogler, who is going to remount The X-Files with a diverse cast."

Oh great, so he's gonna give it a good seeing to when he remounts it then.
Oh great, so he's gonna give it a good seeing to when he remounts it then.
Not sure who Ryan Coogler is but I dont really see why they felt the need to say "diverse cast" in the interview, why not just say "with a new cast"

EDIT : oh, Coogler is the guy who did Black Panther and Creed
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Are you surprised? Marvel now has overweight children with no powers beating up adults, anything goes

The next avengers movie will be called Avengers: Children of the Corn

And to be fair, kids may like that.

Fill grown adults who had had great marvel content to grow up on, I guess our time has gone and now it's designed for kids a lot more than it used to be. Looking at the characters they have had lately would suggest they are moving towards a younger only audience.

Sad but it is what it is
Reshoots for terrible audience feedback and hiring an additional screenwriter to rewrite large swathes of your movie isn't though...
It’s the norm for Disney now.

Daredevil half of it in the bin.

Rumours broke from Indy that he hands his hat to that sarcastic dam squid. Fans went nuts then reshoots!! John Williams caught on camera saying he has to go back and score a new ending. Disney calls him a liar or he’s just mistaken!! Comes out from the director himself a month or two ago that they did have to reshoot larges parts of the movie including the ending!!

The Marvels? They ****** half of that movie in the bin!! God knows what that was like if they just kept the good parts lol

Blade? Hah

Seems to me they need to look at their hiring practices. They clearly have a bunch of people not capable of doing the work!!

Maybe one of the reason for all the angry men hating women in their work force is down to Disney treating them like slaves hence the massive lawsuit they are fighting over pay!!

That would explain why every single OG hero has been character assassinated.

If they have canned half of Captain America 4 maybe it’s too Wokie for Bob??

They need to “Do better”
Blade? Hah
This one is the biggest disappointment for me as it was the only one I was looking forward to when they did their big reveal a few years back, admittedly its a very high bar after blade 1 and 2 (we'll ignore 3). After all the rumours and leaks though, its a total mess :(
This one is the biggest disappointment for me as it was the only one I was looking forward to when they did their big reveal a few years back, admittedly its a very high bar after blade 1 and 2 (we'll ignore 3). After all the rumours and leaks though, its a total mess :(
Blade is one of the best comic movie ever up there with X-2 and Spider-Man 2.

I dunno how they ****** that up. Should be an easy win. The hardest part would have been the age rating.
Blade is one of the best comic movie ever up there with X-2 and Spider-Man 2.

I dunno how they ****** that up. Should be an easy win. The hardest part would have been the age rating.
Both deadpool movies are 15 iirc. Wouldn't be hard to have a modern Blade movie with the same rating.
Is that a writers strike/actors strike thing do we think?

Maybe but you would have thought it be in their 2024 schedule if they had any plans of working on it. I got a bad feeling about this.

KK going to cramming Rey and her movies whether you like it or not. My biggest concern is they are going to use Dave to tweak the script that should have been for Luke and replace him with Rey which would be the ultimate travesty.

Rey not even a Skywalker so how is Skywalker meant to bring the balance to the force?
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This one is the biggest disappointment for me as it was the only one I was looking forward to when they did their big reveal a few years back, admittedly its a very high bar after blade 1 and 2 (we'll ignore 3). After all the rumours and leaks though, its a total mess :(

With the usual sidelining of the main character of course...
Rey not even a Skywalker so how is Skywalker meant to bring the balance to the force?

The sequel films have flip-flopped hard between:

- (1) you must be the one chosen by fate if you want to make a difference - your ancestry is everything; and

- (2) you make your own fate - your ancestry is irrelevant.

The Last Jedi went heavy on (2), rightfully so as (1) is just lame IMO, and then Rise of Skywalker confusingly mish-mashed the two.

In the end, Rey seemed to adopt Skywalker as a namesake for ‘goodie’, at her election - which I suppose is again another rejection of (1) but it never really made much sense because the film was explicitly clear that the only reason she was of any relevance (and any good with the force) was because of her ancestry. At the very least, it was weirdly inconsistent.

Talk about mixed messaging :o :p
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  • Haha
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