Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Last Jedi sucked

There is some excellent stuff on there outside of MCU/SW tbh - Mr Inbetween is worth a months sub alone.
Yeah I was a paying customer when the service was called Disney life. The back catalogue of Fox is also good but I would rather sail the 7 seas.

Or if something is really good then buy it on home media.
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:D Forbes saying they think Marvel is in a worse state than Starwars . How the **** did that happen hah



Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger told investors the company will “quiet the noise” in a culture warthat has pitted social conservatives against the global media and entertainment conglomerate, according to an analyst note on Wednesday.

Not sure which thread to pick so I post here. The last time I posted viewing numbers it didn’t go down to well.

Starwars is dead! Dead dead dead!

Nielsen coming out and backing up what we already knew. Complete failure in the main market. “Andor number”

Show will probably pick up towards the final like most shows.

They never left it - majority of Disney+ content always end up getting released on physical, just with a slight delay - same with their Netflix shows like Daredevil. They've held off on DVD/UHD releases of tentpole shows for obvious reasons.

Disney+ has been and still is a huge success for them even with the reducing subs, it has massively shrunk their physical distribution and continues to do so. There is a bit of a token push for box sets of classics in the US and similar but nothing that is going to tip the scales massively back to physical.

Not a marvel fanboy btw - just 15+ years working directly with Disney, WB and the like on UK/european physical distribution - i've seen first hand the drop in physical numbers since D+ went live.
where you been? Ask any physical media collector that question. Seriously and I'm not talking about the latest Marvel films/Pixer.

You got a direct line to Bob?

Disney + original's didn't. A few months after that announcement we now have have preoders for shows like Loki/Mando/Wanda.
They look frigging amazing also.

I'm not here arguing about the direction of physical media which is turning into a slightly more high end market.

collectors have been begging Disney to release some of their older catalog or licence it out to someone like Arrow or criterion for years and now by the looks it it that's happening.
On a sidenote, this has been an issue for a long time and their insistence on 'vaulting' certain titles - normally just their classics however.
That Fox back catalog tho :/

On a side note they also seem to be spending a little bit more time on the transfer's instead of just printing disks.

I think I'm going to throw up. Too much praise for the house of mouse
It is absolutely stunning but also the least of the problems really with those movies, they really didn't get, or even it seems care, what drew people to Star Wars with those movies and treated the audience as if they were thick - I'm always amazed anyone ever defends TLJ.
that Witch is an evil woman!!

Imagine blocking on on screen reunion of Leia, Luke and Han.

She had one job. On screen all at once that’s what the majority of OT fans wanted……

But noooooooo she didn’t want attention taken off her new characters. Which are ****…..

Ooo and let’s tear them down also while we’re at it.
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Same person blocked starwars parks based in Tatooine? Same reason

Same person pictured in T-Shirts “The force is Female”

Nooo no no.
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