Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Man the stans around here really eat what’s fed to them. They laughed when we said Rings of Power turned viewers away and why would Amazon lie about viewers. Yeah look how that turned out.

Claiming Christmas shoppers as a success lol when they can easily put out detailed figures.

Old Disney getting sued now because of Disney+ lol

Are you only here to make negative posts about Disney :confused: I'm curious as to why someone would put so much energy into hating an entertainment company.
It’s kinda what this thread is about.

Me personally don’t like watching most of my favourite IP’s getting run into the ground ?

Don’t like poor content?

Just two reasons off the top of my head.

Oo also it’s quite enjoyable watching things backfire in their face.
Bringing much-needed balance to the thread the BBC are joining in to report on the right-wing agenda against Disney; Why Bud Light and Disney are under attack from conservatives Gives a bit more background as to why this is gaining traction with a certain section of people, per my other posts above.
Most of the articles I post are from mainstream media that’s left leaning.

They are all taking shots at the house of mouse

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It was loss making and, I believe, not actually that popular. Business gonna business.
Disney and KK have ran Star Wars into the ground.

All they had to do was treat the older material with respect but they didn’t want to do that.

Did you ever hear the plans for Galaxy edge?

They wanted to build Tatooine but instead KK demanded they build it around her universe and had to throw the plans out and start again.
Back on topic:

50 shows disappearing from D+ and Hulu next week.

Not been through the list exhaustively, but Willow is on there. Removing 50 shows is quite a big deal, albeit (i'm guessing) it's the less popular shows, so which other provider is gonna pay them good money for this stuff?

Edit: caveat, might be USA only or worldwide.

Just how much money is there to be saved by pulling shows?

Willow for example.

Season 1 is done. Season two will never see the light of day.

Is it that big of a disaster that the bandwidth or royalties is not worth paying?

Or are they hoping to sell these Shows/IPs?
Disney loose two heads of departments in a short space of time. Head of finance and nowwww

Head of Diversity!!

Starwars is dead is Marvel now dead?

Massive cutbacks incoming? Some interesting things coming from Iger lately.

All those bad decisions finally coming home to roost.

Crap TV shows, Crap movies and no one held accountable. Would rather blame the fans not wanting to watch the ****.

We’re watching a fall of an empire. Other studios started to course correct over a year ago but **** takes time.

Is it too late for Disney? They have ran everything into the ground.

Pixar used to be an event now it’s just straight to D+ trash.
You got what you deserved.
Did they honestly believe the crazy’s have money or kids? They all share apartments and have like 100 cats.

This has been spectacular.

Let’s totally attack you know the normal family unit. The company’s demographic that buys their products, brings their families to watch their brand new films, pays for extremely expensive tickets to goes to their parks.

let’s groom their kids and believe the parents will still bring them to the cinema and buy all their toys.

Let’s mock hard core fans and call them all the nasty names that don’t have any weight anymore. You know the ones that’s kept the IP’s alive for the past 40 odd years.

Destroy legacy character’s. Especially the ones with balls and of paler complexion.

Disney wasn’t the only company to loose their head of diversity^^

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