Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Disney stock price dropped 3%.

The board got absolutely roasted by a de-transitioner in the announcement live stream :D
guess they didn’t like the news that Peltz lost. Seems the vote was a lot closer than they first thought!!

Also spotted their War with DeSantis went no where lol. Ended up as a stalemate.
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Fall from grace completed....

Have you guys seen the video of the incident? She chases after him. I'll edit my post to include a link if I find it.

If JM wasn't so arrogant and followed the advice of his lawyers, he would have walked out free.

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Before anyone tries to spin this, Disney to continue with it's current board as Peltz's attempt to get a seat on the Board of Directors is rejected by Shareholders.

'The rest is entertainment' podcast had a section on this battle.

In Summation:

1) Nelson Peltz disproves the "go woke go broke" mantra, because he himself has already made a fortune being on the board
2) He doesn't appear to have any actual ideas about what to do, because he released a massive document, with no actual plans.
'The rest is entertainment' podcast had a section on this battle.

In Summation:

1) Nelson Peltz disproves the "go woke go broke" mantra, because he himself has already made a fortune being on the board
2) He doesn't appear to have any actual ideas about what to do, because he released a massive document, with no actual plans.
Nelson peltz is the founder of an investment firm. He has business experience spanning decades. He released a 100+ page manifesto and you believe that there was no actual plan in there? That sounds plausible to you? Its one thing to say its a bad plan. But none what so ever.
Either your podcast is so exceptionally bias that they are unable to convey information properly or you didn't understand what they were talking about in the podcast.

From a quick google I found this
Peltz contends Disney should find a partner for its traditional TV channels, similar to the joint venture it has for its A&E networks. Such a move would lessen Disney’s exposure to that shrinking business, while giving employees there “more control over their destiny.”

The firm also wants to, among other things, put in place a succession process for CEO Bob Iger, initiate a review of studio operations and culture and formulate a digital strategy for Disney’s ESPN sports asset.

Clearly he has some "actual ideas" on what he expects from Disney.

Edit: The actual white paper. (start from 90)
From a quick skim they have a few ideas/plans.

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Knock yourself out

Disney with another smash hit incoming -

Daisy Ridley as very "prettied up" version of the 1st female to swim the English Channel in a film trailer full of diversity, inclusion, anti-male vitriol and a gender swap of the film name to "Young Woman and the Sea" Hah, eat that Hemmingway you old stale male you!!!! - God this thing will make a Billion at least!!!!! :D

Its a shame that the original writer (some great films in his back catalogue) and producer (Jerry Bruckheimer) ended up selling the original version to Disney to make as they've just "Disnified" the film and gave it to Ridley, who is not (I believe) someone classed as a "star" that a film can be hung off. It looked like the original idea deserved better.

Also, sadly the "real" story of Gertrude Ederle was far less entertaining whilst the attitude of the men of the time was inline with everyone's attitude of the time i.e. it was a herculean effort for anyone, never mind a woman even if she was a tremendous athlete, as only 5 other people (all men) had succeeded out of hundreds of failed attempts. Her greatest success however wasn't just crossing the channel, which was amazing on its own, but to also do it nearly 2 hours faster than the previous record holder had, and that was spectacular for anyone!
It’s been 8 years since Disney bought the Star Wars IP for 4 BILLION DOLLARS. And they still haven’t turned a profit. So much so that they need to do some creative accounting to hide this fact.

The presentation gives the impression that Disney's Star Wars trilogy generated a 2.9 times return on the purchase of Lucasfilm

However, buried in the fine print is the revelation that the purchase price of Lucasfilm isn't even included in the ROI calculation. Instead, it is purely based on the box office performance of Disney's Star Wars trilogy, its two spinoff movies, merchandise, DVD and Blu Ray sales.

As revealed, the methodology is questionable as Disney based the ROI on the revenue generated by the movies, merchandise, DVDs and Blu Rays rather than the profit they made as it should have done. Using the revenue rather than the profit artificially inflates the result as it doesn't factor in the costs that Disney had to pay out.

Even this wasn't enough for the media giant so it also forecast the revenue that it expected the Star Wars movies, merchandise, DVDs and Blu Rays to generate over a ten-year period and based the calculation on that too. In other words, Disney hasn't actually received the revenue that it used to calculate the return on its investment.

Either they over payed or this is a staggering level of incompetence to not have turned a healthy profit in 8 years.
Is it "Get Woke, Get Rich"? :D

As much as I don't personally like the original phrase that much - because companies so far rarely "go broke" but instead most only suffer a mild downturn at best - I do think the thought process behind the phrase has merit, because even a child can figure out that to make money, you need to sell to the biggest audience.

Yet brands which have one or more large pre-existing "cash rich" fan bases are instead alienating a lot of those same fan bases (with all their "spendable" money) in a desire to find a new audience which isn't as "cash rich" and doesn't spend money even if they had it, and yet those brands don't seem to understand that this will only have one outcome - less profit, which means a smaller brand, which means less output which means less profit etc in an endless loop until the brand is eventually gone - unless they can be sustained by endless DEI money (Blackrock etc), and even that has to run out at some point. I just can't see how any brand that has public shareholders can be so blasé about its future.

As a genuine question - has there ever been a smaller brand that started off as "normal" and then changed to "woke" and has then had a huge increase in profits and become a huge brand after going "woke" that can be used as an example of the opposite of "get woke, go broke" that other brands can point to and say "see, they've done it and boosted profits, lets do the same"? There may be hundreds but I just can't think of any off the top of my head.
'The rest is entertainment' podcast had a section on this battle.

In Summation:

1) Nelson Peltz disproves the "go woke go broke" mantra, because he himself has already made a fortune being on the board
2) He doesn't appear to have any actual ideas about what to do, because he released a massive document, with no actual plans.

1. How so?

2. Bob Iger doesn't have any ideas either buit it's never stopped him!

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Its a shame that the original writer (some great films in his back catalogue) and producer (Jerry Bruckheimer) ended up selling the original version to Disney to make as they've just "Disnified" the film and gave it to Ridley, who is not (I believe) someone classed as a "star" that a film can be hung off. It looked like the original idea deserved better.

I remember a reviewer saying on teh the first SW film she debuted in "Daisy Ridley may be gosh darn purdy but on the scale of one to ten her acting range stretches all the way from 1 to 2"
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Rogue One was the only half decent one.

The first 3 were pretty gay, particularly the first 2, the third was still not great.

7 started ok...ish, went quickly down the swanny, episode 9 wtf?!?
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