Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

I'm quite surprised, and tempted to wonder if people are just Star Wars weary?

I mean the original film was a massive success, but only really because there had never been anything like it before. It almost defined a new genre. But they have beaten that horse to death.
This thread has pretty much catalogued it all. Miss management, intentionally alienating original fans and the films/TV shows have been completely ******* driving away what fans are left.

Also left leaning media companies have came out and said it’s now ok to dislike Disney+ content since it’s mostly poor and they were wrong for labelling people bad names for doing so. (In general Hollywood is trying to do a U-turn)

They took the biggest IP and ran it into the ground. One would argued that Star Wars should never been anywhere near a streaming service never mind having characters like Vader and Obi Wan in them. Those characters put bums in seats at the theatre.

Which is a shame, because the big difference between the two is that skeleton crew was half decent and not intent on alienating a whole audience during its PR campaign.
I really like it. Maybe word of mouth will help improve viewers towards the end of season but for now it’s in the pan.
Yeah, if there was ever a sign that Disney had killed Star Wars, it's Skeleton Crew's viewing figures. Not heard much complaints about it, maybe a few plot contrivances and what not, but it's a kids show ultimately.
Yeah, if there was ever a sign that Disney had killed Star Wars, it's Skeleton Crew's viewing figures. Not heard much complaints about it, maybe a few plot contrivances and what not, but it's a kids show ultimately.
Which honestly is what Marvel and Lucasfilm need to do instead of ticking boxes and appealing to the widest possible audience. I think perhaps the panel at disney need to gain a little introspection and determine that it's ok to make products that women won't necessarily have an interest but men will (and vice versa), and that just entertaining the kids with something that doesn't leave you open to accusation of pushing any agenda is the way you foster a new fanbase.
Disney's problem is you no longer go looking for the gold beause you only expect to find dung. They are the biggest entertainment brand they should only be emplying the brightet and the best and only releasing gold, people should be fighting to deliver a Disney show or movie given teh IP's available. The fact that is not the case is very telling.
Yeah, if there was ever a sign that Disney had killed Star Wars, it's Skeleton Crew's viewing figures. Not heard much complaints about it, maybe a few plot contrivances and what not, but it's a kids show ultimately.
Ironically Skeleton Crew has been the only Disney era Star wars project I've genuinely enjoyed (aside from some poor acting from the kids). Although Gina's thickness made mandolorian watchable.
For Star Wars, they need to stop films/shows which happen AFTER ROTJ and go do the Old Republic.

They've got 1000's of years of stories to be told where the Jedi and Sith were at their peak yet we've had zilch outside of the video games.
For Star Wars, they need to stop films/shows which happen AFTER ROTJ and go do the Old Republic.

They've got 1000's of years of stories to be told where the Jedi and Sith were at their peak yet we've had zilch outside of the video games.
They just need to stop. At present it’s damaged goods.
For Star Wars, they need to stop films/shows which happen AFTER ROTJ and go do the Old Republic.

They've got 1000's of years of stories to be told where the Jedi and Sith were at their peak yet we've had zilch outside of the video games.
Didn't they just do that with The Acolyte? That wasn't set after ROTJ.
I think the problem with the Acolyte was that it was just terrible written. Honestly, just make a movie of the Old Republic mini movies and you'd have a guaranteed win.
It definitely feels like they’ve reacted to the Marvel fatigue, the cycle of endless Marvel movies definitely feels like it’s ended / passed.
Will cancel this year.

Not due to content, but because I refuse to pay for a service that is locked to a single address. I travel frequently and having to send a key code to my gf when I'm in a different timezone is just not worth it.

Every time we login from a device we haven't used for a bit, or from a new address they ask for a code.

Was a yearly subscriber since their launch, will not renew and just get it for a month a year to watch all I want. This is what we did with Netflix as well, only keeping Amazon as a yearly subscription (mostly due to Prime).
Haven't they owned 80% of ESPN for years now? Were they looking to take all of it?
I think it was around 25-50% initially then they had a timer at which point they had to buy the remaining 50-75% of the shares. But due to box office failures it was looking like they didn’t have enough cash to complete the transaction.

I will try and find time to look it up to see what happened
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So this rumour hinges on the fact that Disney needs to make a decision on buying out Comcasts remaining share in Hulu by 2024. This remining share has a minimum value $9 billion. But could be worth up to $20 billion.

I couldn't see any indication in the financials that Disney has the cash in hand to make the minimum payment of $9 billion. So I could see assets being sold off to make the payment. Whether or not Lucasfilm will be sold to make this payment. We shall see.

Edit: They have 11.6 billion in cash, this went down by 4 billion YOY.
So it was Hulu I was thinking of not ESPN. They did complete the purchase for the remaining 33% for $8.6 billion
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