Stargate season 10

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malfunkshun said:
OK, I consider myself a pretty big fan, but AJUK and Mundu........guys guys, its just a show. Bet you can speak Ancient and Asgard too eh? :p
We're only 'avin a larf. Kree!. Geek it to the max!

I think atlantis did a pretty daring thing having...ah crap I cant beleive I forget his name, the black dude with the freaky eye go AWOL. And he has been for quite some time. I really didnt expect that.
Vertigo1 said:
I'd rather have a season 10 than not but it is starting to drag a bit. Season 9 started very very slowly but has become a bit better lately. The whole Orai thing is getting on my nerves a bit though. Basically they killed off all the baddies at the end of last season and suddenly thought "oh crap, we need a new one now". Ben Browder is doing a good job with the Mitchell character, given the pressure of replacing RDA but they're trying to make him too much like O'Neill to my mind.

On the subject of "duplicating" characters, Atlantis is really starting to get on my nerves. The entire show is desperately trying to be SG-1. Take the primary team - we have Sheppard as the O'Neill character, the humourous military lead, McKay in the Carter scientist role, Teyla as the humanitarian Jackson character and Ronon in the hugely strong warrier "outsider" Teal'c role.

Come on, can't we have a bit of originality. The whole thing smacks of trying to recreate the success of SG-1 by totally copying the format before the original cast finally say enough is enough and SG-1 dies.

I agree with you completly with the Ori thing and they have copied SG-1 but I don't really see it like that anymore although I don't see the need for Wier at all and I think they trusted Teyla pretty quickly without her proving herself IMHO. Ronan hasn't got the presence of Teal'c but I still think he's okay.

I think the main area that's been copied is O'Niell and in Mitchell and Shepards characters they've tried to get the humour right but it just makes them look like idiots tbh, why can't they have one serious leader? I think the humour isn't needed in Shepards case as McKay makes me laugh just as much sometimes even more than O'Niell and Vala does the same in SG-1.

-Mic- said:
I think atlantis did a pretty daring thing having...ah crap I cant beleive I forget his name, the black dude with the freaky eye go AWOL. And he has been for quite some time. I really didnt expect that.

Ford has been great in S2 and a great change from S1 where he did nothing and was a toekn soilder. A lot of the fans complained about the lack of storyline for Ford in S1 and got what they wanted in S2.

Also anyone else hate how similar the Wraith are to the Gouald? Look at those stun things they carry that are basically staff weapons!!! You'd think they'd be able to make something as small as a Zat being all technologically supurior than them. Then you get the main Wraith like Bob and the ones who run around like Jaffa. Kinda the same thing with the Ori and the Priors and their staffs. The Replicators were the most original enemy and I think SG-1 would have done better now if they had got rid of only one threat and not had to bring a completly new one in all of a sudden although I understand why they had to at the time.
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Complete agree, soon as Jack left they sort of just had to replace him, shepard and Mitchell are currently too similar to each other not to mention to jack.

Atlantis I feel they just templated SG1 and yeah the Wraith are definatly like the Gouald, in fact didnt they say the Wraith are a race spawned from a parasite.....

Looks like they took a winning formula from SG1 and just spinned it one more time ;)

While Both shows still good, Atlantis im glad they ditched Ford.. I could see him quickly becoming Ensign waymeaver/Red shirted bloke that dies at beginning of each trek episode. Instead they gave him more of a charactor. Ronan could be Teal'cs Brother just had to throw that in there !

Replicators original enemy? No there not lol the writers just stole that idea from Treks "Borg" doesnt assimilation spring to mind? they assimulate your technology and take over your entire planets.

Stargate/Atlantis has been stealing ideas from Trek episodes/ideas for ages, the writers praticaly admit it.... that one episode of Mitchell waking up from a dreamy dream where hes killed a woman and it involves mind grafting, that whole episode was identical to a Voyager, Tom paris episode where the same thing happen to him !

You dont even have to belive the above look how many Trek actors have appeared on Stargate, I think the only person that hasnt turned up is Captain Picard :)

SG1/Atlantis still remains the best sci-fi fix
What is it with Stragete and Atlantis?

They always develop really fantastic stories with potential, and have a huge build up to the conclusion, but it's almost always an anticlimax. They seem to try and tie all the ends togethor in about 2 minutes, which is a shame tbh.
Just thought I'd pimp my new psoter seeing as it can't go on the wall yet and I'm still scared to cut a bit off the top so it'll fit properly in the frame.

Took me ages to find one that didn't look cheap and tacky like all the other posters. Wish I had some money so I could get a replicator piece and a piece of the origial iris!!! Also if ayone cares some pics of the figures comming out in a fe months although looks like O'Niell and Jackson need some touching up done. Also you need to buy all the figures to get the Stargate in case you were thinkig of just buying that awesome serpant gaurd.
Stargate Atlantis Carter Wet and in a Bra :o

Not as attractive as i'd hoped really :p

Bring on SG1 S10,11,12,13 :)
Goatyman said:
Stargate Atlantis Carter Wet and in a Bra :o

Not as attractive as i'd hoped really :p

speak for urself i replayed that particular part about 6 times ;)

i prefer the atlantis cast these days, although jackson and the T Man will always be immortalised ... vaala is good as she definately brings a bucket load of sexual tension and its funny to watch

the ori are a bit rubbish in my opinion ... the replicators were cool, plus they had their own carter.... and the more of them the better :)
Im a big fan of Stargate but really feel that season 9 has been really cack and should have been killed off at the end of season 8.

From being a show that was so not star trek with no space ships or anything like that to suddenly earth have spaceships that can travel to different galaxies in a month?????? Ffs, its a joke.

I still watch it though of course :)

Atlantis is shaping up to be quite decent, but Battlestar Gallactica is blowing stragate out of the water IMO.
I just saw Atlantis' A Hundred Days where Sheppard gets stuck in the place where time passes faster and was shocked at the resemblance too SG-1's Epiphany! At one point I actually wondered whether I was watching SG-1 and if RDA looked much younger than I thought he did in the earlier seasons!

On another note Grace Under Pressure was great. McKay is a legend!

"Okay one first romp but it's romping that comes to mind not your brains blondie!"

"You claim to be a creation of my mind but are in no way dressed provacativly!"

Classic and there was much more. :D
Danger Phoenix said:
Its about time they find a few more ZPMs so they don't have to keep flying back and forth between Earth and Atlantis!
Well Atlantis already have the ability to open a wormhole to Earth using their ZPM, although it would obviously deplete it a bit if used too often.

Rumour has it that Carter will be splitting her time between Earth and Atlantis in the forthcoming series which suggests that a ZPM will be found for Earth so that two-way travel is possible. Of course anyone that currently travels to Earth from Atlantis via the gate would have to return on the Deadalus.
Vertigo1 said:
Well Atlantis already have the ability to open a wormhole to Earth using their ZPM, although it would obviously deplete it a bit if used too often.

Rumour has it that Carter will be splitting her time between Earth and Atlantis in the forthcoming series which suggests that a ZPM will be found for Earth so that two-way travel is possible. Of course anyone that currently travels to Earth from Atlantis via the gate would have to return on the Deadalus.

I rekon it'll be the the begging of the season in Atlantis or SG-1 and the rest in the other. Tapping allready said that she'd be doing more episodes in SG-1 than Atlantis.

She'll probably go on the Deadalus as if they did find one in our galaxy they's probably send it to Atlantis becasue we have no use for it apart to dial the Pegasus galaxy and seeing as they can't use it to power the gate and send it through the Stargate they'd have to send it on the Deadaluse.

TBH I feel sorry for Daniel he must by dying to go, all because of that damn Vala. ;) Although she did offer to make up for it shame he refused.

Also for those of you who miss RDA check out the superbowl commercial he did. Awesome McGuyver albiet a few years on. :D
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