Re-reading material
If you don't know how to spell a word correctly, then that isn't exactly likely to help.
Spell checkers are a useful tool, but they should be just a tool, and not be relied upon.
Re-reading material
It's the Quagaars.
Dyslexia is a wonderful thing... plus my spellchecker is broken...
Dunno but this feels close to a personal attack... could be wrong!
Dyslexics are teople poo!
It's a garbage pod...
It's a smegging garbage pod LOL
It's a garbage pod...
It's a smegging garbage pod LOL
The ablity to see a planet which isnt very close to the earth and are sun is next to impossible in the uk due to air pollution and light polution... also the colour wont change due to the surface of the planet giving out a constant wave lengh of colour.