STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Originally posted by elbows
Rumsfeld pops at the press all the time and tells them how to do their job, what they should be reporting and even thinking. This is probably why they enjoyed attacking him so much the otehr week.

No that wasn't what he was doing actually.

I dont like him much, but be fair at what he is saying atm.
Originally posted by Over Clocker
Something about -

It is funny to see the media showing the man with the vase. I mean, you many vases did he take, 20, 30. Vase after vase after vase!

God, there must have been so many vases, i saw so many!

etc etc etc!!

Sounds like you had to be there ;)
Intelligence from a Predator reconnaissance drone indicates that loyalists to former president Saddam Hussein may be abandoning their posts in his hometown of Tikrit rather than preparing for a last stand as some strategists had feared, U.S. officers said Friday.
via Stratfor:

Fierce fighting continues for a second day in and around the town of Qaim, close to the border with Syria, between U.S. Special Operations forces and Iraqi troops -- comprising some Iraqi special forces units and Arab tribal militia, Stratfor's foreign intelligence sources say. They say that Iraqi special forces units in the area may be accompanying and protecting some top Iraqi leaders. After nightfall, the Iraqi troops seem to be regrouping and trying to make a break for the Syrian border, sources say, deserting local militia fighters. The area has come under severe U.S. bombardment throughout the night. Despite air support, it appears U.S. troops do not have sufficient numbers to dislodge the Iraqis from their positions. The U.S. command reportedly is sending reinforcements to Qaim.
One of Saddam's top scientific advisors (one of the 55 named yesterday) has surrendered to U.S. forces. The scientific advisor is Amer al-Saadi. He is the General who claimed that Colin Powell fabricated all the evidence presented to the U.N. council.
Latest Reuters Snapshot (14:24 BST)

* U.S. sends reinforcements into Iraq; troops push into north Baghdad to attack suspected Iraqi army strongholds; U.S. military convoy heads into Mosul
* Kurdish leader Talabani says Kurdish fighters will pull out of Kirkuk on Saturday; Arabs, Turkmen accuse Kurds of pillaging; Turkey says no immediate need to send troops to Iraq
* Iraqis protest in Baghdad against breakdown in law and order; police volunteer to help end anarchy; U.S. plans dusk to dawn curfew to end looting
* U.N. aid agency plans to send supplies into north Iraq on Saturday
* Baghdad couple say they saw Saddam's younger son Qusay alive after Monday bombing
* U.S. says detains 59 men traveling west in Iraq carrying cash and letters offering rewards for killing U.S. soldiers; three Saudi volunteers killed in Iraq, local paper say
CNN: The Coverup News Network

"I was stunned by that op-ed," Fox News Channel and ABC radio host Sean Hannity told The Times yesterday. "Doesn't CNN have a journalistic obligation to report these kind of details, or to make their reporters aware of them? You can bet if CNN made discoveries about, say, a conservative administration, they would share them." The editorial "sounds like a confession more than anything," Mr. Hannity said. "And I found it hypocritical."

Rich Noyes, director of research at the conservative Media Research Center, said that "Jordan now admits that CNN kept many of Saddam's secrets. "Have other networks also censored their own tales of Saddam's evil?" he asked. "If accurate reporting from Iraq was impossible, why was access to this dictatorship so important in the first place? And what truths about the thugs who run other totalitarian states — like North Korea, Cuba and Syria — are fearful and/or access-hungry reporters hiding from the American public?" Mr. Noyes said.
More at the Washington Times

edit Eason Jordans article in the New York Times
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Originally posted by Custor
Looks like the word association game worked just fine for Bush.,2933,83835,00.html

Yep Iraq, Saddam and Bin Laden.. Bush cynically tried to make the link in people's minds and many were fooled.

A quote from Ground Zero, scene of the 9/11 attacks:

"This is where the war started," said fire Lt. Kenny O'Brien, whose Harlem firehouse lost two members in the terrorist attack. "This is the most appropriate spot in the world to make this statement."

Ah so the war in Iraq is retaliation for 9/11! I see... let's just gloss over the fact that Iraq and Saddam had nothing whatsoever to do with it!
Originally posted by dirtydog
Ah so the war in Iraq is retaliation for 9/11! I see... let's just gloss over the fact that Iraq and Saddam had nothing whatsoever to do with it!
Yeah and a quote from a fireman is obviously proof of the US governments position
Originally posted by dirtydog
But you don't disagree that Bush tried to link 9/11 and Iraq?
IIRC Bush was afraid of what Iraq might do - he was not going to accept another 9/11

As for terrorism - Salman Pak?
Originally posted by Sleepy
IIRC Bush was afraid of what Iraq might do - he was not going to accept another 9/11

As for terrorism - Salman Pak?

There's overwhelming proof that Bush tried to link 9/11 to Iraq - direct quotes where he's compared and linked the two.. I won't list it all here as it's off-topic but if you disagree and want me to, I'll list the proof in SC.
From BBC and unknown sources

US marines say they have found dozens of "suicide vests" packed with explosives and ball bearings stored at a school in Baghdad. Reports say the vests were discovered still wrapped in plastic near to detonators which could be attached but there were also empty hangers, suggesting some had already been removed.

Advance units of the US' 30,000-strong 4th Infantry Division have moved into Iraq from Kuwait. Heading for Tikrit?

An airfield near Tikrit was attacked by a B-52 using a new targeting system - the first time the laser-guided "Litening" technology has been used in combat, US commanders say. [Edit]AN/AAQ-28 LITENING is a pod for the Harrier. LITENING design enables the fighter air crew to carry out the following missions/tasks:
Detection/Recongnition/Identification/Laser Designation of surface targets
Accurate delivery of Laser Guided Bombs, cluster and general purpose bombs
Performance of low level night flights
Laser spot detection
Identification of aerial targets from BVR ranges[/edit]

US military officials say marines recovered four journalists from a hospital in Baghdad. One was dead, one was unhurt and two were taken to a field hospital for treatment for injuries suffered at the Palestine Hotel as the US advanced into central Baghdad on Tuesday.
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Smokin Gun - Possible nerve agents found


Weapons experts were called Saturday to an occupied northern Iraqi air base in Kirkuk to determine if a warhead discovered there is laden with a chemical agent. Separately, a man who said he is the base's former commander stepped forward saying he has additional information on possible chemical weaponry.
Two separate "improved chemical agent monitor" (ICAM) tests showed trace amounts of a nerve agent in two spots on the baseball bat-length warhead -- at the rear and in the middle where there is a screwed-down circular area about the size of a quarter.

CNN TV is now reporting via Thomas Bybo, that US soldiers have indeed found not just traces of a nerve agent, but a specific warhead that is testing positive for nerve agents.
Originally posted by dirtydog
Yep Iraq, Saddam and Bin Laden.. Bush cynically tried to make the link in people's minds and many were fooled.

A quote from Ground Zero, scene of the 9/11 attacks:

Ah so the war in Iraq is retaliation for 9/11! I see... let's just gloss over the fact that Iraq and Saddam had nothing whatsoever to do with it! [/B]

No 9/11 is what kicked the US into gear to get rid of terrorists and evil dictators. Saddam is at least one, if not both of them;)
Re: Smokin Gun - Possible nerve agents found

Originally posted by Sleepy

Weapons experts were called Saturday to an occupied northern Iraqi air base in Kirkuk to determine if a warhead discovered there is laden with a chemical agent. Separately, a man who said he is the base's former commander stepped forward saying he has additional information on possible chemical weaponry.
Two separate "improved chemical agent monitor" (ICAM) tests showed trace amounts of a nerve agent in two spots on the baseball bat-length warhead -- at the rear and in the middle where there is a screwed-down circular area about the size of a quarter.

CNN TV is now reporting via Thomas Bybo, that US soldiers have indeed found not just traces of a nerve agent, but a specific warhead that is testing positive for nerve agents.

IS this not the conclusive proof that Saddam had WoMD?
Re: Re: Smokin Gun - Possible nerve agents found

Originally posted by Stiff_Cookie
IS this not the conclusive proof that Saddam had WoMD?

Correct me if I'm wrong but Kirkuk is in northern Iraq / Kurdistan, which has not been under Saddam's control since 1991, is that right?

If so, then even if there are WMD there, they can hardly be called Saddam's by my reckoning.
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