STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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FoxNews reporting that Saddam Hussein's half-brother, Barzan Ibrahim Hasan al-Tikriti, has been captured by Kurdish forces while attempting to escape across the Syrian border.

UPDATE : From Kurdish TV, via the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Coalition forces on Sunday captured Saddam Hussein's half-brother Watban as he attempted to cross the border into Syria, Kurdish TV said. "Watban Ibrahim Hasan, Saddam's half-brother who served as interior minister and in other sensitive positions, was captured today by coalition forces in Rabia," north-west of Mosul, said KTV, which is run by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) of Massoud Barzani.
Just reading through the first few pages of this thread again is interesting, some of the misinformation from the coalition is astounding. Through all the claims and finds of strange chemicals (which turn out to be weed killer or parafin) the coalition and the Iraqi Info Minister seem to have been competing on who can tell the biggest porkies ;). Strange how these stories of "massive finds" just vapourise.
Originally posted by Yossarian
Just reading through the first few pages of this thread again is interesting, some of the misinformation from the coalition is astounding. Through all the claims and finds of strange chemicals (which turn out to be weed killer or parafin) the coalition and the Iraqi Info Minister seem to have been competing on who can tell the biggest porkies ;). Strange how these stories of "massive finds" just vapourise.

Not really, as it hasnt been official statements from the coalition governments saying "we found chemical weapons"

They have all been statements in the press saying that some soldiers think they have found something and that tests are being carried out.

Slightly different IMO.
If the media (even if it is Fox News) is claiming "seniour defense sources" as they have done often then someone must be feeding them the information. So the only difference between the coalition lies and the Iraqi Information Minister's lies are that the coalitions are put out anonomously by the press. Even assuming that 25% of press reports regarding WMD are total fabrication by bored journalists thats still a lot of coalition misinformation.
Its the embedded reporters. Supposed to be on the ground to give accurate information. Absolute garbage.
Was very sceptical about the information fed before the war. I'm EVEN MORE sceptical about our government now. Lies until proven to be truth by someone else:(
Originally posted by Over Clocker
Not really, as it hasnt been official statements from the coalition governments saying "we found chemical weapons"

They have all been statements in the press saying that some soldiers think they have found something and that tests are being carried out.

Slightly different IMO.
speculated lies fueling the propaganda or government approved lies fueling propaganda, same thing to me m8.
ps You looked sooo much better as Andy Garcia, more smooth than rugged;) congrats on the promo:) And now you point guns at people:p
A few guns found by US soldiers yesterday in Baghdad


Gold Plated MP5


Cynanide Gun


Briefcase MP5
Originally posted by Bony Maloney
Yes and so is household bleach if used incorrectly:)
I like the MP5 briefcase myself:D

yea but do you use Cyanide to clean? or even to spice up your food?;)

Cyanide is a nerve agent, right?:confused:, or just a poison?
Originally posted by Stiff_Cookie
Well Vx gas only needs a few drops to kill a large room full of people IIRC

I make Ammonia and Ammonium Nitrate for a living and when I come home a have to bath and leach out the chemicals of mass destruction from me pores:p
Originally posted by Bony Maloney
I make Ammonia and Ammonium Nitrate for a living and when I come home a have to bath and leach out the chemicals of mass destruction from me pores:p

ammonium nitrate is an explosive not a chemical WoMD IIRC
I don't believe Cyanide is a WMD because it cannot be dispersed in large volumes like Vx or Mustart Gas can.

Cyanide has to be administered on a individual basis as opposed to it being an 'area effect' weapon kinda thing! :)
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