STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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The lies fed to the Arab World

800 bodies of American Soldiers In Kuwait Morgue
uploaded 09 Apr 2003
A Saudi newspaper has said that the bodies of 800 American soldiers were currently placed in the Kuwaiti military hospital’s morgue. The Saudi daily ‘Al-Jazeera’ affirmed that special sources had conveyed the news, which if true would point to huge American casualties in the ongoing Anglo-American war on Iraq. The paper quoted reliable sources in the hospital as reporting that number, adding that the American military police was imposing strict censorship on the bodies. It said that medical and other staff in that hospital was banned from revealing any information on the dead bodies.
Given time the modern info age will hopefully enable these people to realise how badly they have been lied to.


At least one US soldier has been killed in a suspected suicide bomb attack in Baghdad, reports say.

Earlier reports said at least four US Marines had been injured.

Saddam Hussein loyalists have continued to put up resistance to US forces in the capital.

Another Marine was killed during fighting near a mosque in the north of the city earlier today.

Around 20 more were injured during a four hour battle near the Imam al-Adham mosque.

More follows . . .

Last Updated: 17:17 UK, Thursday April 10, 2003

From Sky News

Senior Iraqi Shi'ite leader Abdul Majid al-Khoei has been assassinated in Najaf. His nephew said he had been stabbed to death at the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf.

My Comment:

So much for Mosque's being such a sacred place to Muslims? :confused:
Media Research Centre
Sky TV's Chater informed FNC anchor Shepard Smith, as transcribed by MRC analyst Patrick Gregory: “It was always difficult talking to anybody who was not being controlled in the way that we were. We had minders literally listening in to us. There was always a tightrope you were walking. You had to have their cooperation in order to go out and see what we had to see. But at the same time they were controlling you very carefully, they were always monitoring what you were saying....
“There were people whipping up support for President Saddam Hussein in front of your cameras everywhere you went. But we had to abide by those rules, we had to walk that tightrope all the time. Because otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here now, celebrating the fact the Americans have arrived; the Iraqi authorities would have thrown me out long ago. A lot of my colleagues have suffered that fate. It’s been a dreadful time walking on broken glass for so long. But we’ve managed to come through with only a few cuts and bruises....
“We were always having to give the Iraqi government’s point of view, that if you go to one of the areas where there’d been a battle, they’d always point out one thing -- that there were civilian casualties. I knew full well that we were only given access to some of these areas when they cleared away the evidence of the military targets that had been in that district in those areas. And there were many times I went down the road and I could see exactly what was happening; I wasn’t allowed to film it....”
Fox: Possible Mobile Bio-Lab Found

Embed Rick Leventhal is with Marines who found a very suspicious truck.
Earlier in the day they saw the truck rolling, and stopped it with fire from a .50 cal machine gun. The truck appeared to be a SAM support vehicle, and in fact there was a nearby SAM. Later, division intel inspected it and found, behind hidden panels, suspicious equipment including refrigeration capabilities, some sort of processing equipment (electronic pulley system), open bins and containers, and capabilities for handling hazardous materials. This matches their expectation of a mobile bio-lab.
All info is from a named captain at division intelligence.
Nuclear Smoking Gun

Found at the site is alleged weapons grade plutonium.

Tests were made by troops using initial tests which showed weapons grade plutonium. Additional tests were made (by exploitation team?) that also showed weapons grade plutonium. Additional tests to be made. Pentagon is treating this very gingerly, because the presence of weapons grade plutonium implies a reactor or importation, either of which have big implications. - Fox Broadcast
In the first report the UNMOVIC team did not find the buried area. Then again as the water table is about 1.5 feet below the surface who would expect anyone to go to the lengths of constructing a buried lab there.

Still its to be confirmed and as I've lost count on how many smoking guns I've posted I'm not counting any chickens yet. ;)

Sky News is about to show footage of the bio lab


A very small van with an alleged hidden compartment. There was footage of the outside but not inside the truck. Looked nothing like the images presented to the UN by the US Sec Of State Colin Powell in February.

Saying that why would you put a secret compartment with heating elements in a SAM support vehicle.
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The northern Iraqi city of Mosul has fallen to American-backed Kurdish forces, apparently without a fight.

The US says the entire Iraqi army 5th Corps has surrendered.

US Central Command said it was deciding whether to treat the soldiers as prisoners of war or allow them to go home.

"They have made the very wise choice of living for the future of Iraq instead of dying for this Iraqi regime," a spokesman said.

He acknowledged there may still be some Iraqi forces willing to fight in and around Mosul, but said it was "very significant" that an entire Iraqi corps had surrendered.

He said the commander of the 5th Corps had communicated his intention to surrender to US troops on the ground.

They say no followers of Saddam Hussein's regime have been found.

Jubilant celebrations have started and negotiations are under way to secure its peaceful surrender.

SAS and MI6 teams were last night helping their US counterparts in the search for Saddam Hussein as US troops in Baghdad turned their attention from defeating his army to finding the leaders of his regime.

Spy satellites, photo-reconnaissance aircraft, and Predator and Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles are scouring the area between Baghdad and Tikrit, the dictator's home town.
Originally posted by Duffman
Why is it that Turkey is complaining about the Kurds taking Iraqi cities when they didn’t let US troops use Turkey as a staging ground for attacking the north?

Turkey have the feeling that if the Kurds in Iraq start to do well, it will cause a Kurdish uprising in Turkey. They didnt mind too much the Kurdish troops taking the cities, as long as they don't stay.

US Marines near Baghdad are investigating what they say may be a mobile biological or chemical weapons laboratory, Fox News has reported.

The US news network said Marines may also have discovered weapons-grade plutonium in a massive underground facility south of the city.

It said Coalition forces are investigating a stash of radioactive material found at the Al Tuwaitha nuclear complex.

Two preliminary tests conducted on the material have indicated that it may be weapons-grade plutonium, Fox News said.

US Marines are also investigating what they say may be a mobile biological or chemical weapons laboratory found on a building site near the capital.

The vehicle resembled a refrigerated truck from the outside and contained guided-missile support equipment, a Fox News reporter with the Marines said.

Further examination revealed a false internal wall which concealed a remote-controlled electronic pulley-and-winch system and several open bins and containers.

Hazardous materials may have been found inside the truck as well, the reporter said.

Investigators told Fox News that the system resembled a hazardous materials lab, where substances could be mixed, cooled and heated without direct human contact.

Marines found the truck parked at what resembled a building site, but it started to drive away as they approached and refused orders to stop.

US forces fired on the truck to stop it. There was no information on the driver, but video footage of the scene showed the driver's door window shot out.

Anti-aircraft guns, a surface-to-air missile and several caches of weapons and ammunition were also found at the building site, the reporter said.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan says he hopes United Nations weapons inspectors could return to Iraq as soon as possible. "Their mandate is still valid. It is only suspended because it became inoperable on account of the war," he said.
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