STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Yep, Gerald Bull. Watched the film, was a good watch.

Bad man though, although his reasons portrayed by the film were that he saw it as such a big challenge to make such a big gun!

Doesnt make it any better though.

Red Cresent supplies from Kuwait being given out.

Sir Galahad(sp) on way to Umm Qasar.
Yep, Gerald Bull. Watched the film, was a good watch.

Bad man though, although his reasons portrayed by the film were that he saw it as such a big challenge to make such a big gun!

Doesnt make it any better though.

Red Cresent supplies from Kuwait being given out.

Sir Galahad(sp) on way to Umm Qasar.
There is a blackout of info from the al Kut area. 'Embeds' from forces en route haven't been heard from in 48 hours. 1st MEF are believed to be in that area
Originally posted by Nexus
Oh not any kind of official news, but I am declaring CBS news reporting as pants!

I watched a report late last night that the BBC aired on their channel from CBS. The gung-ho reporter was speaking in that over the top American style, kept talking about 'US Forces this/that/etc etc'

He talked about Basra and didn't once make any reference to the fact that British forces were also heavily involved in the area.

Especially considering British Forces are not only heavily involved in Basra, but are in Commanded most of Southern Iraq.

iirc, the massive majority of troops near Basra are British?
Originally posted by Nexus
Oh not any kind of official news, but I am declaring CBS news reporting as pants!

I watched a report late last night that the BBC aired on their channel from CBS. The gung-ho reporter was speaking in that over the top American style, kept talking about 'US Forces this/that/etc etc'

He talked about Basra and didn't once make any reference to the fact that British forces were also heavily involved in the area.

Especially considering British Forces are not only heavily involved in Basra, but are in Commanded most of Southern Iraq.

iirc, the massive majority of troops near Basra are British?
Originally posted by Bungee
Regards :)

That quote is rubbish - like British soldiers are going to engage civillians that have no weaponary :rolleyes:

What does your mystery friend do? [/B][/QUOTE]

I can't comment on that, as

a) I haven't seen the sources

b) I am not familiar with that sort of terminology

Perhaps 2blue or someone else with service experience can tell us just how far troups will go if a city has been declared a "military target".

As for my friend, I didn't really think it is appropriate to say but he has no objections, so I'll quote him directly instead:

My sources are defined by my job. I am UN soldier of the UN core force. I am living and working in germany. This way I have sources from german intelligance but more interesting intel sources of the UN connected security organizations. This goes from locals in Irak to military officers of the coaltion troops that speak fact in their reports to their homecountries. This is off course nothing broadcasted by major TV stations or confirmed by the officials of the coaltion forces. Same goes for Iraq forces btw, but the crosschecking of the reports represents the truth and shows what it far from being real.

If you choose not to believe in this, your choice *shrugs* The attacks on Allied supplies that he predicted HAVE happened though. ;)
Originally posted by Bungee
Regards :)

That quote is rubbish - like British soldiers are going to engage civillians that have no weaponary :rolleyes:

What does your mystery friend do? [/B][/QUOTE]

I can't comment on that, as

a) I haven't seen the sources

b) I am not familiar with that sort of terminology

Perhaps 2blue or someone else with service experience can tell us just how far troups will go if a city has been declared a "military target".

As for my friend, I didn't really think it is appropriate to say but he has no objections, so I'll quote him directly instead:

My sources are defined by my job. I am UN soldier of the UN core force. I am living and working in germany. This way I have sources from german intelligance but more interesting intel sources of the UN connected security organizations. This goes from locals in Irak to military officers of the coaltion troops that speak fact in their reports to their homecountries. This is off course nothing broadcasted by major TV stations or confirmed by the officials of the coaltion forces. Same goes for Iraq forces btw, but the crosschecking of the reports represents the truth and shows what it far from being real.

If you choose not to believe in this, your choice *shrugs* The attacks on Allied supplies that he predicted HAVE happened though. ;)
Originally posted by Over Clocker
Surely this is an offence of somekind??
Nope, cos the UN is an organisation not a country, the most it could do is sack the person. What his own country could do to him is a different matter.

I am UN soldier of the UN core force
Originally posted by Over Clocker
Surely this is an offence of somekind??
Nope, cos the UN is an organisation not a country, the most it could do is sack the person. What his own country could do to him is a different matter.

I am UN soldier of the UN core force
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