STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Mr blue why the need to butcher our beloved thread?

Did you simply remove all the offtopic spam or has some of the content gone?

how did you decide wht should stay and what should go?

What method did you use to remove the posts did you export them or did you delete?

What happened to all the loverly posts in the GD archive?

why are there 2 copies of the original thread in the GD archive and why does one have 5 posts less than the other??
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Originally posted by Kronologic
Mr blue why the need to butcher our beloved thread?

Did you simply remove all the offtopic spam or has some of the content gone?

how did you decide wht should stay and what should go?

What method did you use to remove the posts did you export them or did you delete?
You know that I didn't so why say it?
Originally posted by Kronologic
Ok. if you didn't who did?

I would still like my list od questions answered if possable


Calm down..Why does it matter? The thread works and theres a backup of the old thread in the archive. No need to get angry.

Coalition warplanes flew more than 600 bombing missions as skies cleared over Iraq on Thursday, blasting Iraqi light armor as the U.S.-led troops resumed their advance toward Baghdad.
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