Wind Corrected Munition Dispenser (WCMD)
US forces report that B-52 bombers have used a new version of a cluster bomb against an Iraqi tank column in central Iraq; the weapon adapts to wind and weather to hit targets more accurately
The new bombs are referred to "smart-guided cluster bombs." After they are dropped, they open up in the air and disperse bomblets by parachute. The bomblet packages are designed to land more precisely on intended target areas.
The inexpensive tail kit inertially steers the munition from a known release point to precise target coordinates while compensating for launch transients, winds aloft, surface winds and adverse weather.
The kit can be fitted to CBU-87 CEM [Combined Effects Munition], CBU-89 GATOR and CBU-97 SFW [Sensor Fuzed Weapon]. The weapon will use inertial guidance only (no GPS). The WCMD program develops a tail kit for these inventory dispenser weapons. These weapons will be capable of delivery from medium to high altitude delivery when equipped with a WCMD kit. The WCMD weapon will correct for wind effects and errors during the weapon's ballistic fall. The WCMD kit will turn these "dumb" bombs into accurate "smart" weapons. Currently, the dispenser is achieving an accuracy of within 30 feet. Both fighter and bomber aircraft will be able to employ WCMD from a wide range of altitudes, in adverse weather, using various tactics such as level, dive, and toss bombing, and bombing on coordinates.