STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Only non-Muslims can apply for US base job: Advertisement

Hindustan Times
Tucked in the classifieds of national Indian dailies on Wednesday was an advertisement that could further alienate the Muslim community from the United States.

The US base "urgently requires" lift operators, store keepers, clerks, typists, security guards and drivers. The advertisement insists that the applicants, besides being non-Muslims, should speak English and be below 35.
Further to a post above the part no's that Robert Fisk of the Guardian found are associated with an AGM-88 HARM missile. As it is against the Geneva Convention to site military sites in civilian areas the blame for the death of many Iraqis lies with the regime of Saddam. This assumes the fragements found were not planted at the site by the Iraqis to cover up a failure of their SAMs.
How independant is this guy. Independent corroboration by neutral 3rd parties etc?
Is this another 1 reporter story 'scoop' or is it something that holds an element of 'truth'?
Originally posted by Custor
How independant is this guy. Independent corroboration by neutral 3rd parties etc?
Is this another 1 reporter story 'scoop' or is it something that holds an element of 'truth'?
IF your referring to the missile story the details come from no's shown on TV images. More info here and a later post here
Originally posted by cousin_itt
the smartest bombs still fail at an unacceptable rate.
Whilst there are some factual.. if not errors, exagerations in the article including an emphasis on laser guided weapons. Which aren't being used as much as JDAMS due to certain inherant features that make JDAMS more accurate in most situations. Also it refers to the older Tomahawks navigation systems that didn't always cope with deserts hence the GPS nav of the later models.

What the actual failure rate is is obviously classified but its many orders of magnitude better than the alternative.
President Saddam Hussein urges Iraqis to fight a "jihad" (holy war) against the US-led coalition "everywhere," in a message read out on Iraqi television by Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf. taken from

Is Holy War terrorists excuse everytime?
I wonder what he's say if Bush and Tony said our soldiers mus fight a Jihad against Saddam Hussein. Does he have anything else up his sleeve or is Jihad all he's got.
a little bit of light relief :)


Flipper's new trick going AWOL
By Peter Wilson in Umm Qasr

THE US Navy's mine-clearing dolphins have been the surprise media stars of the Iraq war, but they have not exactly won over Australian divers working alongside them.

The polite way to express their scepticism about the mine-clearing skills of the dolphins is to question their reliability and cost efficiency, but there is another way to put it.
"Flipper's f...ed, mate," was how one diver saw things yesterday.

"The dolphins have had all this amazing publicity, but as soon as they put one in the water it shot through. There's a war going on and Flipper goes AWOL.

"He turned up a couple of days later, but in the meantime they had to bring in another one (by helicopter from a US Navy ship) and that meant some of our gear got bumped off the flight."

The handlers of the five dolphins at work in the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr confirmed yesterday that one of their charges, a male named Tacoma, did disappear when he was put in the water to go to work.

"Two days later we found him in the same spot where we put him in the water," said Lieutenant Robert Greene, the officer in charge of the M-7 series of mine-clearing dolphins.

Tacoma was yesterday resting in his holding pool with the navy's oldest dolphin, 33-year-old Makay. Makay has been more diligent in Iraq, perhaps learning from a painful experience when he too took off from duty once in Florida. A shark attacked him during his holiday, leaving him with scars on his back.

Lieutenant Greene said the dolphins had been a great success in Iraq, using their sonar to detect potential mines and placing markers on them to guide human divers to the targets.

The US military has invested tens of millions of dollars in its sea mammal program since 1969, and there has been considerable pressure for it to succeed in Iraq, the dolphins' first mine-clearing deployment in such a war zone.

Some of the Australian and British divers working with the US team in Umm Qasr say they appreciate any help they receive, be it human, mechanical or otherwise, but the sceptics say the dolphins are too unreliable.

"If you put one to work in Sydney Harbour it would mark a million things because it can't tell the difference between a washing machine and a mine," one diver said.

"The bottom line, mate, is it's a fish.

"It's also a very smart fish so how do you know it hasn't just gone off for a feed instead of working and then thought 'hang on, I'd better mark a few things or they won't give me any fish when I get back'?

"We're talking about mines here, so that's a pretty big risk to take based on Flipper's say-so."

Lieutenant Greene said the Atlantic bottlenosed dolphins were not primarily motivated by the promise of food.

This report appears on
Originally posted by Clerkin
President Saddam Hussein urges Iraqis to fight a "jihad" (holy war) against the US-led coalition "everywhere," in a message read out on Iraqi television by Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf. taken from

Is Holy War terrorists excuse everytime?

No there are plenty of christian terrorists.
Central Command in Qatar due to give a breifing to the press. Considered highly unusual (its 3 in the morning there) so could this be something highly significant ??
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