Originally posted by Sleepy
Just notified them of their mistake
Thats two of us then!
Originally posted by Sleepy
Just notified them of their mistake
Hindustan Times
Tucked in the classifieds of national Indian dailies on Wednesday was an advertisement that could further alienate the Muslim community from the United States.
The US base "urgently requires" lift operators, store keepers, clerks, typists, security guards and drivers. The advertisement insists that the applicants, besides being non-Muslims, should speak English and be below 35.
IF your referring to the missile story the details come from no's shown on TV images. More info here and a later post hereOriginally posted by Custor
How independant is this guy. Independent corroboration by neutral 3rd parties etc?
Is this another 1 reporter story 'scoop' or is it something that holds an element of 'truth'?
Whilst there are some factual.. if not errors, exagerations in the article including an emphasis on laser guided weapons. Which aren't being used as much as JDAMS due to certain inherant features that make JDAMS more accurate in most situations. Also it refers to the older Tomahawks navigation systems that didn't always cope with deserts hence the GPS nav of the later models.Originally posted by cousin_itt
the smartest bombs still fail at an unacceptable rate.
Originally posted by Clerkin
President Saddam Hussein urges Iraqis to fight a "jihad" (holy war) against the US-led coalition "everywhere," in a message read out on Iraqi television by Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf. taken from bbc.co.uk
Is Holy War terrorists excuse everytime?
Originally posted by Custor
No there are plenty of christian terrorists.
Originally posted by Over Clocker
Aparently we have entered Stage 2 of the war now.
Originally posted by Chasser
Where did you get that from m8 ??