STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Originally posted by Sleepy
Wrong he would if captured be able to spill the beans on all the dodgy deals Russia had with the regime

Don't you think Russia already know what dealings they have with him?! :confused:
Originally posted by dirtydog
Don't you think Russia already know what dealings they have with him?! :confused:

And how would Russia like everyone else knowing about what dodgy dealings they had? :)
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From the Washington Post
In the government-controlled Syria Times, columnist M. Agha declared "The US-British aggression seems to be worse than the Nazis. In the Second World War, the West stood in confrontation of Hitler. Now, Bush is acting worse than Hitler. . . .The West, China, Japan and other freedom-loving nations elsewhere must close ranks to stop the Chief Cowboy, Bush. We believe that this Cowboy is not able to light his cigar without putting the whole forest on fire!!! Don't let this war criminal at large!"
Yep according to the Syrians overthrowing a tyrant is the same as committing genocide and that China is a "freedom-loving" country :rolleyes:

And Americans wonder why the Arab population hate them. Fed crap like this is it any wonder.

BTW there's a report that Al Jazeera correspondants were chased out of Basra by locals cos of their anti US coverage. The journalists were given shelter in Kuwait
Reversing course as TV images showed a mob in Baghdad tearing down a statue of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, Arab nations withdrew on Wednesday a request for a U.N. General Assembly meeting on Iraq. - Reuters

more on Arab reaction from various articles
As soon as word about Saddam's apparent end got out, Arabs clustered at television sets in shop windows, coffee shops, kitchens and offices to watch the astounding pictures of U.S. troops for the first time ever overwhelm an Arab capital. Some turned off their sets in disgust at scenes from Baghdad of jubilant crowds celebrating the arrival of U.S. troops, feeling betrayed and misled. "We discovered that all what the (Iraqi) information minister was saying was all lies," said Ali Hassan, a government employee in Cairo. "Now no one believes (Arab satellite TV channel) al-Jazeera anymore."

The overwhelming emotion for many Arabs was one of disbelief, tinged for some with disappointment after weeks of hearing Saddam's government pledge a "great victory" or fight to the death against "infidel invaders." "We Arabs are clever only at talking," Haitham Baghdadi, 45, in Damascus, Syria, said bitterly. "Where are the Iraqi weapons? Where are the Iraqi soldiers?" Many resorted to conspiracy theories to explain the rapidly collapsing era of Saddam. "There must have been treason," Ahmed Salem Batmira, an Omani political analyst. "It seems there was some deal. Saddam has put himself ahead of his people," said Yemeni government employee Saad Salem el-Faqih, 50.

"Whatever I'm seeing is very painful because although Saddam Hussein was a dictator, he represented some kind of Arab national resistance to the foreign invaders - the Americans and the British," said Fakhro.

Adnan Hamed, 27, a salesman at a store in Amman's rich suburb of Abdoun, flung a box at a television set showing jubilant Iraqis cheering U.S. tanks and throwing shoes at a statue of President Saddam Hussein in the heart of Baghdad. ''I don't want to see these scenes. Where is the resistance Saddam promised us? Karbala and Basra put up stronger resistance. Baghdad has crumbled unbelievably quickly,'' he said, clenching his fists in anger.
How sad are a people whose only modern heroes are despots and terrorists. And when they fail they how bitter that must feel, knowing that your hero's fall was celebrated by his own people. And the man you put your hopes in was a brutal greedy sadist.
Some of those things that were said are verging on unbelievable!!!

Surely they cant have all believed the Iraqi Disinformation Minister?

Time to wake up and smell the coffee methinks....
A Different Smoking Gun

Not chemical weapons, for a change, but a nuclear program... maybe???????
The Pittsburgh Channel
Marines Detail Underground Facility
Nuclear experts said the discovery of a underground nuclear complex in Al-Tuwaitha, Iraq, on April 6 is possibly the "smoking gun" United States intelligence agencies have sought. Carl Prine, a reporter with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review who is embedded with the 1st Marine Division, reported the findings in the newspaper's April 9 edition. The city is located 18 miles south of Baghdad and houses the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission. Prine reported that the underground facility includes labs, warehouses, and bomb-proof offices. While it was hidden from the public and the U.N. inspectors who combed the site just two months ago, the U.S. Marine Corps Combat Engineers discovered it three days ago, he wrote. Prine reported that Marine nuclear and intelligence experts discovered 14 buildings with high levels of radiation. Some of the readings show nuclear residue too deadly for human occupation.

Al-Tuwaitha was built in the early 1960s along the Tigris River. Nuclear experts believe the government began Iraq's nuclear weapons program there between 1972 and 1976. Satellite imagery shows dramatic expansion at the site in the '70s, '80s and '90s, according to the Institute for Science and International Security.

Khidhir Hamza, an Iraqi nuclear engineer who defected in 1994, reportedly testified before Congress last August that Iraq could have had nuclear weapons by 2002.
Hamza said the French built a reactor at Al-Tuwaitha that Israel destroyed in 1981. The Russians built a reactor that was destroyed during the Gulf War, he said.
Originally posted by Rich_L
Some of those things that were said are verging on unbelievable!!!

Surely they cant have all believed the Iraqi Disinformation Minister?

Time to wake up and smell the coffee methinks....

That's exactly how I feel about some of the stuff our own and the US government have come out with ;)

That Iraqi bloke did take the honours though - 'the US will surrender' :D
Originally posted by dirtydog
That's exactly how I feel about some of the stuff our own and the US government have come out with ;)

That Iraqi bloke did take the honours though - 'the US will surrender' :D

Agreed!!! :eek:

The amount of propoganda flying backwards and forth has been phenomonal, however you have to say at least some of the US/UK stuff had at least a grounding in reality :D

That is...until we find out tomorrow that all the scenes in Baghdad were actually staged in Hollywood, and the US forces really are getting massacred :eek: remember, you heard it here first!!!
Originally posted by dirtydog
That's exactly how I feel about some of the stuff our own and the US government have come out with ;)
Which is why its good to have access to a free press. Harder for 'em to spin it to their advantage.
Originally posted by Rich_L
Some of those things that were said are verging on unbelievable!!!
Shame about most of the arab world. Fed a die of propoganda that finding out whats really happening is pretty hard for them. So when reality knocks down your house of cards its got to be pretty upsetting and its human nature to believe that the fault lies with others.
Reports coming in that coalition soldiers are surrounding and fighting around a mosque and palace near Baghdad after reports that Saddam was holed up inside.

Also B52's bombing Tikrit.
Originally posted by Over Clocker
Reports coming in that coalition soldiers are surrounding and fighting around a mosque and palace near Baghdad after reports that Saddam was holed up inside.

Maybe a double. I don't reckon he's still there...
A mosque would be a good place to hide, if you were gonna hide in a building. It cannot be bombed, and many if not all Muslims will view any storming of the Mosque by American forces as sacrilage.
:eek: :eek: :eek:


The US Air Force is moving several 21,000lb MOAB bombs, the largest US conventional bomb, to the Gulf.

It is not clear what military chiefs intend to do with the bombs - which are designed to take out troops and tanks in open areas.

"What we were told today is that they are on the way," a US defence source said.

He said several were being shipped to the Gulf region.

MOAB stands for Massive Ordnance Air Blast - it is nicknamed the "mother of all bombs."

Developed in Florda, where it was tested last month, the bomb is a larger version of the 15,000 pound "daisy cutter."

The "daisy cutter" was used in Vietnam to clear jungle for helicopter landing pads.

It was also used in Afghanistan to clear caves and strike fear into al Qaeda and Taliban fighters.

MOAB - Psych War?

A story doing the rounds don't know the original source so may be apocryphal
"I was out looking at some soldiers and one of them was sharing some cookies he had just received in the mail. A photographer walked over to him and asked in a heavy French accent for a cookie. The soldier glanced up and told him no cookies for anyone from France. The photographer claimed he was half Italian. Without missing a beat the soldier broke a cookie in half and handed it over."
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