STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Damascus :: Kim Ghattas :: 1344GMT

Syrian state television is not showing any of the pictures of Iraqis celebrating the downfall of the Saddam regime.
Obviously Syria is very much against the war, and after having warned about the consequences of the war, the state television has chosen not to show any pictures of jubilant crowds. They are keeping to their official line that the international community is still condemning the war. But some Syrians watching al-Jezeera television in some of the shops are saying simply that it was "very bad" to see American troops in Iraq.


According to the BBC's listening post in Caversham, UK:
Al Ahram (Iran) - no report, no US troops in Baghdad
Hammas - no report, US still committing suicide at gates of Baghdad
Al Jazeera - running loop of man hitting picture of Saddam with his shoe interspersed with video of USMC in Baghdad.
Abu Dhabi - video of USMC in Baghdad.
Other Arab TV networks - as per Abu Dhabi.
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BBC News 24 is mad.

They've take a sledehammer to the big statue of Hussain, and there's a rope around his neck. They are going to try to pull it down.

There was a little incidient though. A US Marine got into a altrication with a British Woman who was a 'Human Shield'.
Gilligan casts doubt on source of hotel attack

Media Guardian

The BBC's defence correspondent Andrew Gilligan has cast doubt on whether the missile that killed two journalists in Baghdad today was fired by a US tank, speculating that Iraqi soldiers may have launched the lethal attack.

He added that after examining the scene he concluded it was virtually impossible for the US tank to have fired on the 15th floor room. "I have to say I rather doubt it and, having been underneath it and looking up now just before it got dark at the hole again in the side of the hotel, I still doubt it. "For a start the damage to the hotel is superficial, it's only the masonry that's been torn off in a very small area, a tank shell would have done more damage I feel. "Secondly the angle that the tank would have to have reached to hit that roof, it would more or less have had to have shot just round the corner and I don't think even the Americans have got those kinds of weapons." Gilligan said although American tank fire hit other parts of the hotel, it was possible an Iraqi attack was responsible for the journalists' deaths.
Originally posted by Sleepy
Not if the angry victims did it

I imagine the Russians would use whatever force necessary to keep people out. And the US would never storm it as it would be effectively like invading Russia, as the embassy is Russian territory.

Anyway I'm a bit surprised the Russians didn't pull all of their embassy staff out?
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