Starting weight lifting again - help please :)

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Where do I start? 6 weeks on...Generally training has been going very well indeed, I did have a week or so where I wasn't feeling great which made me miss a couple of sessions, but apart from that i've been on top of it.

My diets looking better overall. Museli in the morning(7:30~), followed by a shake on the way to work (about half 8-9 am). Straight after work (1pm) i'll have either a beef, chicken or tuna sandwhich. I'll have something similar later on (4/5pm) if I don't go to the gym otherwise i'll have a shake straight after and have dinner around half 7/8ish. I'm also starting to get shakes in before bed now.

Weight wise, i'm now 11stone (154lbs) so that's almost 10lbs added. My deadlift is up to 120kg now (got that today, after previously only getting 105kg), squats are 70/75kg, though bench press is only 55kg. I'm taking some advice that i've read from someone else on here and adding this in to all my sessions (along with some light arm work) to try and kick start it.

Thanks go to all of you of course, you've all made it a lot easier (and thanks to S7yl3s for giving me encouragement).

I should add that my shake consists of: ~30g whey, oats, creatine and some banana milk shake powder (can't stand the chalky taste :p).
Hey all,

What sort of repxset range would you reccomend I do for calf raises? I've been doing 1x12 1x10 1x8-10 increasing the weight on a leg press machine (like this one). Would doing it on a smith be beneficial?

Thanks for all the helps :)
$loth said:
Here are some current stats:

Arms: 12"
Legs: 20"
Chest: 37"

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 147lbs.

Update time.

My diet is going good, protein and carbs in 90% of meals easily, and i'm eating a lot of it. Supplements i'm using are: whey protein , creatine mono and taurine . I add in oats when I take my shakes, just started taking Taurine today, mainly for reducing cramps.


Arms: 13"
Chest: 38" - think I might have measured that wrong though <:S
Legs: 21 1/2" (around that, hoping I got the right meausing point as last time).

Weight: 155lbs.
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Another update

Thank god for keeping old emails - we need the search function back!

Ok, i'm starting to cut now, I think I need to drop around 8-10lbs to get to 11%. Been going to the gym regularly and seen some good gains, i'll give some stats:

Weight: 166lbs
bodyfat %: ~13.5

DB Bench - got 17.5kg 6 reps for 2 sets then 20kg for 6 reps for 2 sets. I think that's good as I started off on 15kg.
Squats - 90.5kg (smith) for 4 reps last time.
Deadlift - Still at 120kg but my form has improved, and this exercise has helped greatly in thickening my back.

Chest - 38.5inchs
Arms - right:13.25 left:13.5
Thighs - 22inchs.

I'm surpised my chest has grown that much, in my mind I thought it wasn't progressing so much, and I don't think it's down to creatine so much as I haven't had any monohydrate since monday. I've got CEE to try as i've heard that this is usually more responsive on more people than monohydrate. Squats have been going up steadily in the past month or so since I hit 80kg as has my bench press. I think it's more to do with mind-muscle connection more than anything.

Oh - and new gym in a couple of weeks!

This is the routine i'll be starting monday:

Day 1

• Dumbbell bench press 3 x 8 repetitions Chest
• Lat pull downs 3 x 12 repetitions Back
• Barbell squats 3 x 8 repetitions Legs
• Seated military press dumbbell 3 x 12 repetitions Shoulders
• Seated leg curls 3 x 12 repetitions Legs

Day 2

• Dead lifts 3 x 8 repetitions Back
• Wide dips 3 x 8/10 repetitions Chest/tri (incline bench)
• T-bar row 3 x 12 repetitions Back (DB bent over row)
• Leg press 3 x 12 repetitions Legs (squats)
• Standing bicep curl 3 x 12 repetitions Biceps

The ones i've put in brackets are the exercises i'll be doing whilst i'm at the current gym.
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Just a question about carbs and cutting. I understand it's good to lower carbs for cutting, but when are critical points to have carbs during a workout day and non workout day?
I was thinking on a workout day - breakfast, pre and postworkout, and on a non workout day - breakfast and around early afternoon.
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