Steam Autumn Sale Hype!

Any hidden gems? Preferably Indie.

All of the following are indie games currently on sale. I've completed them all over the past 12 months and rate them all at least an 8 out of 10.

Lifeless Planet
Fran Bow
What Remains of Edith Finch
The Cat Lady
Blackwood Crossing
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Picked up Get Even which is half price in the sale. Been playing it for the last few nights and this is a really ambitious and different kind of game so far - I recommend watching the trailer for anyone who hasn't heard of it before, never played anything quite like it before.
All of the following are indie games currently on sale. I've completed them all over the past 12 months and rate then all at least an 8 out of 10.

Lifeless Planet
Fran Bow
What Remains of Edith Finch
The Cat Lady
Blackwood Crossing

Cheers - bought Lifeless Planet and Fran Bow, thanks for flagging them up.
Picked up the croteam collection of serious sam VR games and talos principle, havnt played the later yet but the 4 serious sam games are worth the price I paid alone, ones an rails wave shooter, not my kind of game tbh, but the other 3 are remakes for vr with full locomotion, absolute heart pumping stuff in vr! Sports bar vr to play pool with a friend who recently moved away, really enjoying it, way more than I though I would, and I expect you do die, I havnt touched that yet though.
But I mostly play Bullets and More and Pavlov, I picked them on sale a few months ago and I havnt been able to put them down since, they have ruined 1st person shooters for me, I can’t go back to playing a non VR shooter again, pressing ‘R’ to reload is just boring now, nothing beats running out of ammo in a gun fight, and having to duck into cover, ejecting a magazine putting a fresh one in, cocking your weapon and getting back into the action!
BAM at £6 and Pavlov at £4 are absolute steals

Thanks for the recommendations. I bought the Croteam Bundle and BAM and Pavlov. A nice mix of single player and multi player shooters!
Not much interested me this time but I did pick up XCom2. Have never really been into turn based games but managed to put 66hrs into Darkest Dungeon (before rage quitting after being brutally RNG raped multiple times in a row). So I thought I'd give this a go too. Not had the time to actually start playing it yet though.
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