** Steam Backlog Support Group **

14 Mar 2011
In honour of the purchase of my 400th game on Steam (Firewatch, for what it's worth) I thought it would be funny to start a sort of AA style support group for a problem I'm sure many of us are all too familiar with...

How many times have you gone to buy something and found it's already in your library (sometimes for several years!?)

How many times have you seen those games in your library that you think "Oh yeah - I really must play that at some point!" only to forget about it again (sometimes for several years!?)

This thread is to discuss your Steam Backlog...
- Do you care? If not when did you stop caring and why?
- How do you go about trying to get through the backlog?
- Any tips for other fellow sufferers out there?

Personally I tend to think of games as "big" or "small" based on how long I think they will take to complete, and I try to have one of each on-the-go at any one time (alongside the usual multiplayer games)... but now and again I'll get stuck on the "big" game for quite a while, making me feel like I'll never get through the backlog (and all the while more and more games I like the look of keep coming out and tempting me further!!!)
Fun idea

There isn't much coming out for me in the new year so have been thinking about which game on my list to finally tackle or finish. I always play a bit and move on but am now trying to focus on one at a time. And tbh I enjoy the feeling of finishing a game! Done a few over xmas and on the last episode of life is strange right now

Next up will either be the witness or Doom, started both but life got in the way
How many times have you gone to buy something and found it's already in your library (sometimes for several years!?)

I have just done this. "I think I might get Football Manager with my steam wallet from this sale.. oh, it's in my library?" :D:D
Haha I currently stand at 200 games in my steam library, and more early access games then a care to share, I have sworn off early access games for the entire year and and I'm only buying a game once on I have gotten round to finishing some single player campaigns. Though I have unfortunately gotten my self a guilty little pleasurable addiction to Battlefront (curse you game sales, curse you..)

My method to counter this problem, once I have grown tired of Battlefront, is to delete every dam game of my PC except the one on game I intend to finish, then delete that game and reinstall a new single player game to finish.

My potential spanner in the works could be Rust though, I have played this game nearly everyday for over a year, as any Rust player will know, you HAVE to play!
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Good tips! I haven't considered anything as extreme as deleting all the other games but I can see how it could help...

One of my biggest problems is when I still used to have a huge amount of free time I would tend to try and 100% the games (especially if I enjoyed them) but lately I feel like that makes things take far too long, so I'm trying to avoid getting bogged down chasing achievements that ultimately don't matter!
I used to be into 100 percenting games and getting achievements but don't bother now as it just uses up too much time and stops me playing other stuff.

I've easily got a dozen games I've not yet touched in my library. :(
I've easily got a dozen games I've not yet touched in my library. :(

Lucky :rolleyes: I estimate of the 400 games in mine I've probably 100% something like 20... completed but not 100% maybe another 100... that leaves nearly 300!!! Some of those are total trash (usually ones which came as part of a humble bundle or similar alongside other better games)... Some of them are older games which I've owned and/or completed prior to Steam or on other consoles... but buried amongst those are some really decent titles I've just not gotten around to starting :p (first world problems!)
Most of my backlog is games I won't play that came in bundles that combined was cheaper than getting a game/games that I wanted in the bundle separately.

I play games as and when they take me. Borderlands the pre sequel is one that's currently grabbed me. In a while something else will and il play though that. I do complete 1-2 games a week though depending on length and time available due to work :(
Was looking through the sale over xmas and had 3 games in basket, 2 of them I already had and one was a DLC for a game I didn't own.....doh!

Anyhow one of the games was Skyrim and as I bought it years ago and never touched I thought I'd give it a go instead of spending cash on something else and have to say I'm hooked on it currently.
I actually used the Christmas break to clear a small amount of my uncompleted titles.

GTA V, Gears of War 4, Bioshock Remastered 2, Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 (campaign) and Firewatch

GTA V I've owned on Xbox 360, PS4 and PC and never completed it in 3 years!

Tried to complete Far Cry 4 but it keeps crashing on Shangri-la...

Assassins Creed Syndicate is the biggest one I've got to complete really.
I've started to setup categories in steam, so have Playing currently, in progress for those that have been started and not finished then a play next and finally played/completed won't play again for those that I have finished or are not my cup of tea that came in a bundle has really helped to get through the backlog, when i first did the categories i had about 30 games in progress now down to 10.
919 games in Steam, yeah I might have a problem...

I blame Steam sales, Humble Bundles and the likes...oh and my lack of will power too.

I think I've only played something like 46% of them.
919 games in Steam, yeah I might have a problem...

I blame Steam sales, Humble Bundles and the likes...oh and my lack of will power too.

I think I've only played something like 46% of them.

46% of 919 games is still impressive, I'm over 500, and I bet I've played less than 46%. :o
I was doing really well until the Christmas sale, but then 8 out of the 12 games on my wish list had really good prices on so I had a bit of a relapse... My main problem is, I like BIG open world games, so even if I only have a couple of titles in my backlog, it's still hundreds of hours worth :/

On the plus side, there's nothing on the horizon to tempt me other than Cyberpunk, so hopefully I'll clear a few before that comes out!
What about when you get taken in by the hype train and buy one of thoses AAA titles only to not like it and leave it languishing in your games list with only an hour or so played. Got a few of those.
What about when you get taken in by the hype train and buy one of thoses AAA titles only to not like it and leave it languishing in your games list with only an hour or so played. Got a few of those.

Atleast now we have steams awesome refund policy! 2hrs played and up to 14 days after purchase full refund no real reasons needed

But before this yes much money has been wasted :(
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