** Steam Backlog Support Group **

bit of an old thread but it is just as relevant today

Yesterday I said enough is enough!. i bought half a dozen or some games over the last week and am just not playing the games i have (600ish in my steam library 90% untouched and then there is origin, uplay, DRM free and many more....

I just bought another.

Duck Tales!.
in my defence it is the last chance i will get to get it and has been on my watch list for years.
I have been slipping in recent years. 2014 when I started recording the games i'd completed I completed 21 games, then less and less until 2018 when I completed 4 :(. Backlog has built up to silly levels again with loads of half finished games. Really need to make some time.

Should hopefully get Soma done soon though for the first game completed in 2019..
I completed Dead Space 3 2 weeks ago.
Should complete Lara Croft GOL next week.

probably will *start* Dishonoured 1 at some point... that is how far behind i am in my backlog and yet i just keep on buying. i could be trapped on a desert island (one with electricity and internet) for 10 years and still likely not finish my backlog
bit of an old thread but it is just as relevant today

Yesterday I said enough is enough!. i bought half a dozen or some games over the last week and am just not playing the games i have (600ish in my steam library 90% untouched and then there is origin, uplay, DRM free and many more....

I just bought another.

Duck Tales!.
in my defence it is the last chance i will get to get it and has been on my watch list for years.


I'm in a similar position with over 3400 games on Steam roughly 200 on GOG & 20 to 30 each on Uplay, Origin & Epic (It's worth noting that the majority of games I have on GOG & Epic were free from GOG's Connect scheme & Epic's weekly giveaway), On Steam my average game completion result based on achievements is 47% but in reality I've got at least 3000 games I haven't touched yet, a lot of those are from bundles though.
I dont even activate keys on bundles now until i know the game is somethign i may be interested in..... i just give them away in the hope someone gets some use (or more likely they are just added to the pile of somoene elses list ;) )

it was bad before i had my lad, but since end of 2015 my gaming time has been cut to about 20% of my pre child time, but my purchasing has not changed.

Actually worse than that, last xmas i bought a digital pinball table as well, so of my maybe 15 hrs a month (if i am being very optimistic) gaming time at least 3 hrs of that are now playing pinball.
WTF this is my thread? I barely remember creating it :o

My backlog at this point isn't too bad I guess... I have about 650 games on Steam, and I've put them into 3 categories:

1. Games I've completed (in many cases 100% completed, or at least enough that I don't want to play them any further)
2. Games I don't think I'll ever play - mostly these are trashbag games that came as part of better bundles...

Excluding these means I can browse a list of just games I am yet to play. With the completed category having about 125 games in it and the "never play" one about 100 so far (though I'm sure there are lots more to add I just haven't gotten around to it). It's not so bad :)
I am never sure what the rules are with resurrecting old threads.... some places are if they are more than a few months old you let them die, others are quite strict that you make sure there has never been a duplicate so that all topics stay grouped to help people searching.... I tend to just wing it and go with my gut, and this thread seemed just as relevant today as in 2017 :)
I am never sure what the rules are with resurrecting old threads.... some places are if they are more than a few months old you let them die, others are quite strict that you make sure there has never been a duplicate so that all topics stay grouped to help people searching.... I tend to just wing it and go with my gut, and this thread seemed just as relevant today as in 2017 :)

It sure is! The only bad part is looking back at your own posts and realising that your problem has only gotten worse... I notice back in 2017 I was lamenting having 400 games, now I have 650...

I will say though that I think that number would be a lot higher if not for the Humble Monthly (I note in one of my 2017 posts above I had just signed up for it; I'm still on it now)... There's some sort of psychology to it; I always have it in the back of my mind that any potential game I might see on sale could show up in next month's bundle, and I'd feel like a right plank if I effectively bought it twice. It's made me second guess myself and bail out of a purchase many times over the last 2 years, and in quite a few cases that game has later turned up in the bundle...

On the other hand if you guess there's maybe 8 games per bundle on average that's the best part of 200 games over those 2 years, and I doubt it's saved me from buying that many... At least it's cheap? :p
Duck Tales!.
in my defence it is the last chance i will get to get it and has been on my watch list for years.

I was so, so tempted! But I resisted. Even at £2.99 I just thought I'd never play the damn thing and every penny will be better spent on Cyberpunk or Doom or something. :p
I've calmed down a lot, and I've still got so much to play that I don't buy games at launch now - Dirt Rally 2 is one example. I want it, but I've enough to play that I can wait.

I still check Humble Bundles in the evening to see what's coming in the latest bundle so I can get the bundle before the average price goes up.
This ^. I don't buy many games at launch.
By the time you wait for a super awesome sale price you can get the fully fixed, patched game of the year full dlc version for a steal and you will also know by then if its any good so will get your monies worth. Fallout 4 prime example.
In the mean time play some classics you allready own.
I have deliberately stopped checking the humble bundles as I just have reams of stuff I will never play from packs I bought for 1 game.
I was doing really well until the Christmas sale, but then 8 out of the 12 games on my wish list had really good prices on so I had a bit of a relapse... My main problem is, I like BIG open world games, so even if I only have a couple of titles in my backlog, it's still hundreds of hours worth :/

On the plus side, there's nothing on the horizon to tempt me other than Cyberpunk, so hopefully I'll clear a few before that comes out!

Out of curiosity, since it been a while since you made this post and CyberPunk not due yet, how is your backlog looking now ? :p
I've been very good actually, finished off a couple of Assassins Creeds, and the latest Deus Ex, and I've only bought 2 new games (Subnautica and Kingdom Come Deliverance), so I'm actually ahead by... Well 1 game... OK, I take back the part about having been very good...

The problem at the moment is that every time I have a few hours to game, one of my mates asks if I want to play pubg... :p

Oh, OK, so I bought pubg too... But at least I've played it...
Well thanks partly to this thread giving me a nudge, I have stuck with a game till the end and completed it, which was Soma. First game for 2019. I'm going to try and make this a habbit as my main issue is i'll leave a game half completed and move onto something else and not get the motivation to get back into it.

Next up is the Long Dark story mode that I left half done a while back. Edit: Actually I might give Amnesia another try as it's made by the same devs as Soma and is supposed to be fairly short.
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This is an interesting thread for me, as I know my playtime patterns have changed a lot since the thread started (having a kid will do that).

The net effect is that I have spent less on games, and I have 47 unplayed games (2 more than 2 years ago, which I'll count as a win). Overall, I play 87% of my games with 79 out of 272 games on steam getting played over 12hrs. So I like to think that my reduced budget and time have contributed to me spending my time and money more wisely.

Also, finding a game that my crowd all will play has been a struggle lately so we tend to stick to a select few games or revisit old favourites rather than hopping to new ones.
These days looking for and getting the (proper) bargains *is* the game. After that, meh, it's just another title in the library.
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