** Steam Backlog Support Group **

Near the top of this thread I said I'm going to delete all the games except the one I'm playing, well it's all gone wrong, just seen Conan Exiles and I want it, instead of deleting all my games I have instead bought a 4tb HDD and have installed the lot and have put desktop Ivan shortcuts on my 2nd monitor to show them all off, yeah I have problem
Wow I feel a lot better about myself, so take comfort that your problems have given me some solice

I am floating at around 90 games and I have had steam installed pretty much from the day it was launched. I bought Wolfenstien The New order in the Autumn sale and just kept playing that till it was finished. I then went back to GTA V and made a real effort to finish that but then it all went wrong.

I went on a bit of a spree (for me) at Christmas I bought Dishonoured, DooM and Dying Light. I am no more that about 1/8 through any of them.

The problem is Squad and CS-GO are my go to games and before you know it two hours is gone and I am no further through the single player campaigns of anything.

Out of all the games I bought recently it is only DooM I am confident I will finish. However GTA V is getting done. I am almost embarrassed after owning it on xbox 360 and not finishing it that I still have not on PC.
Happily I'm just putting the finishing touches on Dark Souls II having had it on my list of games to play for quite a few years (since before I even finished the first one!)... Also got DOOM on the go and really enjoying it. Not sure what to play next but it always feels good to tick another game or two off the list :)
I have 146 games in my library although almost 100 of those were purchased this year so I have definitely developed a problem. I think I'm still deluding myself that I will eventually play them all but the doubts are starting to creep in and if you don't stop buying more games then the chances get more and more remote don't they.

My stats aren't so bad I suppose in that only 9% of my games have been untouched. I was surprised that my completion rate was only 42% but then I have quite a few games that have been 80-90% completed but I either got stuck or bored and abandoned them. I still have the last mission of Far Cry 4 to do, the last mission of Shadow of Mordor, the last 2 chapters of Dishonoured and maybe the last quarter of Assassin Creed 2 to name a few. Any words of encouragement to get me to go back an finish these games?...
It seems I'm more of a game collector, than a player.

I have created a new category, called crappy games, and games I don't enjoy I just dump in that category and relinquish any guilt, not going to waste time on something I won't enjoy.

About 200 games in my library but I think I'm going to consign quite a few to the new category.

Giving Time Shift an hour tonight to see if it cuts the mustard ;)
I seem to be in the habit of playing a game for 15-20 mins, deciding I can't really get into it and then moving onto the next backlog game. I keep thinking I'm missing out on a few I may end up liking doing this, but oh well.. the list is getting shorter.
I seem to be in the habit of playing a game for 15-20 mins, deciding I can't really get into it and then moving onto the next backlog game. I keep thinking I'm missing out on a few I may end up liking doing this, but oh well.. the list is getting shorter.

I do this a lot. I stare at god huge list of games, not really bothered about any of them. Pick one (or three) install and 20 minutes later I'm back on the desktop.

We're spoilt for choice. I used to come back home with my shiney new game, spend half an hour installing it and then play with joy and wonder. Digital gaming is just so throwaway.

I can buy, install and be playing a game within 5 minutes, which is awesome, but lacks the wonder of 'back in the day' gaming. Also I'm old now and hard to impress.

TimeShift proved good in the end, so there is hope, enjoying it, put about 7 hours in so far.
I think cost had something to do it with too though. Back in the days when you maybe only got 4 or 5 new games a year at £40 each you tended to play them right through.

I think I only every completed 1 or 2 of my games for the ZX Spectrum because the games were only £3 for a tape and add to that the 30 odd games you would have had copied on to a blank tape, you tended to just play the game for short while and then load up the next one.
BAM! Crazy Machines 3 finished! At least the campaign mode that is. I've not built any machines of my own yet but that'll come in time :)

Some seriously weird puzzles and odd difficulty spikes but a good brain burner of a game! :D
I've gotten through a lot of games I set my mind to recently. Almost done with Arkham knight. In the last 6 months Ive completed

Crysis 3
Titanfall 2

Ive still got

Arkham knight
Dragon age inquisition
battlefield 4
Rise of the tomb raider
Gears of war 4
Dishonored 2
ashes of ariandel
Phantom pain
Talos principle

In other news yesterday I bought

Infinite warfare/MW remastered
Just Cause 3
Resident evil 7

1000+ plus games currently and 85% not played.

Doesn't really bother me but I'm starting to make an effort to get through some of my backlog and play a bunch of single/campaign games as I feel like having a break from the multiplayer/online.

Just finished Wolfenstein: The Old Blood so (was fun) I'm going to finish ROTR next.
I give up trying to complete every game and have just made a category on steam called 'bin' where i have put all the games I know I wont play. Out of sight out of mind :cool:.

Tried forcing myself to play a few different games, but it just feels like a chore, rather than fun. Time to buy a new game I think...

Almost got my 1 month clean token as well :(.
Purchased Bullet Storm a while back. Tried to install it on my Win 10 PC this evening and besides the point it tries to install an older version of Physx and Games for windows live (fails says incompatible with current version of windows) it also refuses to launch.

How do I get a refund on steam?

Is it possible?
Must be possible to get a refund if it's as broken as that, especially if you've got no playtime against it... I'm not sure how though (never done a refund myself!)

Been getting through some games lately... DmC: Devil May Cry completed (not 100% though, was tempted but decided time was better spent on other games)... Life is Strange (which other than some of the cringey dialogue was pretty cool)... and finally started Stanley Parable last night having avoided spoilers all this time...

Sadly though I fell off the wagon pretty hard and ended up signing up to Humble Monthly - mainly because I had been wanting The Witness for a while and at $12 it seemed worth it with any other games that came along just a bonus... I had intended to cancel it but next month the teaser game (actually 2 this time) are Dirt:Rally and INSIDE, both of which I was interested in... ohhh here we go!!!
I used to be into 100 percenting games and getting achievements but don't bother now as it just uses up too much time and stops me playing other stuff.

I've easily got a dozen games I've not yet touched in my library. :(
Lol a dozen I must have over a 100 I have never touched in my library, bloody sales fault
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