Steam deal: Left 4 dead 50% off

Noob question, but how do you find other players to play with? ie OcUK players?


my mate has copied his l4d game files to a flash drive so i dnt have to dload my purchased ver. Files from steam on my snoretastic 2mb connection. Wil that work if i drop it into steamapps/common folder?
I guess I prefer more skilled games like UT where the enemy are other humans and shoot back with the same sort of weaponry, not mindless AI zombies which behave like a DOS game from 1994.

Personally I think that compared to L4D, UT is a simple minded game which all you do it sprint at high speed around the map holding down the trigger... Compare UT series to the ages old Quake and essentially it's the same game with updated graphics and a couple of slightly different modes. L4D does bring a lot more to the table.

Also I agree the Common Infected have very low AI, but what do you want a zombie to do? Stop attacking you and put his glasses on and pull out a chess set?

Just because something is popular doesn't mean it isn't crap ;)
Yeh, just look at the Spice Girls.... ;)

@phatboy: Yes, that should work fine.
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Personally I think that compared to L4D, UT is a simple minded game which all you do it sprint at high speed around the map holding down the trigger...

Try that in UT2004 against skilled players ;) I agree UT 3 has been dumbed down though, for consoles. Most of the skilled moves and dodges you could pull off have been removed because UT2004 was too hard for the noobs.

But back on topic :D
I'm trying to buy it, but all manner of problems arising. :(

EDIT: Sorted and downloading now. :cool:
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Is this any good on your own, or does the fun only come from having four people? I wouldn't normally play online games and there's only two of us in my house (one of which is more of a console player). Plus our net connection is terrible so I'd be reluctant to get it if it's only fun online...
single player is ok for learning the maps but dumb ai will annoy you, this game truly shines in 4 player co op with mics, or in 4v4 vs or the madness of 8v8 vs.
Pretty decent solo, but i wouldnt buy it just for the solo campaign, the replay value is in the online.

Ive only been playing like 2 days, but i can go through the same levels with different people because they are always different, doubt i could get much out of the AI.
I'm enjoying the new 'crash course' campaign, it's got all of the atmosphere of the previous stories, but in a more punchy section; allowing for shorter stints of gameplay.

The only issue I had was when looking to equip the mounted gun on the back of the truck, I accidentally pulled the cannon lever, causing the huge waves + tank etc to descend upon us before we'd prepped or reloaded etc

*noobtastic moment*
single player is ok for learning the maps but dumb ai will annoy you, this game truly shines in 4 player co op with mics, or in 4v4 vs or the madness of 8v8 vs.

yep! :)

only been playing last 2 evenings, and I tried single player, then went online with mates , the 4 v zombies and tried single player the next day and i hated it lol, went online again and blimey its soo much better
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