Steam IS coming to OS X

Certainly is, I didn't recognise it on first launch with all the changes that have gone on since I played last on PC. Looking forward to settling into a decent session at some point over the weekend, should tide me over until Valve get L4D2 released... :)
I kept smashing "Retry" when it failed to start the download last night. I managed to get it going before bed so I left it do it's thing :)
I've just been loling at the anti-Mac camp whingers on Steam Forums moaning about how Mac is going to ruin TF2, how they can't get ear buds, PC medics aren't healing Mac players and how some admins are vote kicking Mac users. Seriously... what a bunch of utter tards.
I've just been loling at the anti-Mac camp whingers on Steam Forums moaning about how Mac is going to ruin TF2, how they can't get ear buds, PC medics aren't healing Mac players and how some admins are vote kicking Mac users. Seriously... what a bunch of utter tards.

Traversing the Steam forums is hazardous to your health. You have been warned!
I'm inclined to agree mate, there's a lot of angry kids and militant keyboard warriors on there. Can't wait to get home to break them off some. :D
I haven't played TF2 for the best part of a year, probably more. I think it's release for OS X has reminded me to check out the updates and improvements to the game I've missed out on since then. If Portal is anything to go by, the Source engine certainly runs better than in Windows (IMO of course).
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with TF2's performance under OS X, I had a quick blast on Badlands arena this morning before work and I was seriously impressed with how responsive and smooth it was.

After HL2+Ep1 I was expecting a massive stutter/lag fest but it was silky smooth and on par with the Windows version.
Mighty Mouse sucks for TF2! The touch scroll is a liability!

Quite surprised that the 9400M plays 1920x1080 (1080p) on the TV without problems.. I'm going to have to have a serious bash at this over the weekend.
just managed to have a good game and dropped the res even more on my imac and its still sluggish as hell, any word on the opengl update :confused::(

Hmm only thing I can think is that either (a) you have something running in the background that's sucking CPU time, or (b) the ATI OpenGL drivers suck monkey balls.

Running on a 2.66 Core2duo, 4GB DDR3, 9400M mac mini in 1920x1080.
Only issues I have noted are:
a) The unofficial 64 person servers with upscaled zombie horde causes the game to be come a slide show.
b) TF2 the sound will randomly go crackly for a few seconds.
c) BOINC needs manual 'snooze' as the preferences can't have a group of apps that cause BOINC to switch off completely whilst steam is active. This is a BOINC problem..
no apps open but i disabled littlesnitch and glimmerblocker to see if that help, but you could be right as i have a few programs on the menu bar :confused:

edit: turned AA off and its a vast improvement, can now game at 1920x1200 :D magic mouse has got me killed a few times lol
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Well i got my first game of TF2 on last night, it was AWESOME! :D I felt it played better than on my win7 side on my mbp 15" (the 9600 drivers for osx arnt too bad or the windows ones are worse than i originally thought)

I like the new interface for it as its less cluttered and the ear bud things made me smile.

Hope the next few mac releases hold up to be pretty good too
I like the new interface for it as its less cluttered and the ear bud things made me smile.

think the white earbuds was a stroke of genius makes me laugh when i join a game and am either the only one on my team thats a mac user and get loads of kills annoying both teams or i join a game and am surrounded by mac users and we all have a banter :D
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