Steam sale now .... Off

I think Dredge is also on sale, what's the minute to minute gameplay like?

I am in the mood for short burst games like Brotato, not much story, smaller, concise games.
Its perfectly set up for short session as its a day/night cycle, the game rewards you for staying out at night but its also more tricky.
Its great for a short burst of fishing and pushing the story along little by little.
Picked up Broken Sword 5. I've been meaning to play it for ages but never got round to it. The recent BS Reforged has given me the thirst again :)
I never paid attention to Prime for games and I'm emptying most of , if not all of the freebies out right now for GOG. I might look at some Epic, too. Maybe.
I've never understood the Steam 'sale' when the games are/have been cheaper on cd keys all year.
I believe CDkeys procure keys worldwide and generally always undercut official Steam for any games that are available on their site. The only titles I purchase on Steam are those not available (continually 'out of stock') on CDkeys.
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Steam allows me to refund a game and never had an issue with that ever. How would that work with using an external supplied key?
It doesn't - Steam refunds are only possible for store purchases
That was what I was implying. I have a chance to refund via Steam on any purchase, but I don't see me being able to do that with a CD Key website on repeat(Not that I do on Steam) and having the funds returned to my account. I guess, If you only buy something that you really want, then CD Key websites for a lower price are a decent option.
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Many people got manor lords as I am tempted to get that, just built my sons gaming pc and I now have somewhere to play so looking at games, seen a few RTS games coming soon that looks great, tempest rising, broken arrow, sanctuary shattered son, global conflagration, Empire eternal etc but not out yet, love city builders and rts games.

Anyway what's opinions on manor lords may people playing it ?
Also I see what people mean about steam sale and other sites being cheaper than sale on steam.
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