Steam sale starts wed 26

if this is the Autumn sale then when will the Christmas sale start, 19th December? surely it'll be to close together.
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Bah, more money to steam... Not sure if there are any games left which I want! Certainly don't need any... got about 50 I've yet to start :D
Bah, just realised Far Cry 4 isn't on Steam :mad: I was looking forward to seeing that discounted.
Most of these Steam sales now amount to:

2-3 months old=25-33% discount (same price as pre-order retail version most of the time :rolleyes:)
4-6 months old=33-50% discount
7-9 months old=50-66% discount
10-12 + months old=75-90% discount

So most PC gamers will already own these games they become popular digital sales for newer gamers & or the odd DLC & or game purchase from existing PC gamers. The days of these sales having any genuine bargains are long gone they are now cynical spreadsheet driven events you can predict the prices from in advance :(
Are there any cards out yet for this years badge? They usually appear as 'mystery' cards just before the sale starts then change to the real ones.
Most of these Steam sales now amount to:

2-3 months old=25-33% discount (same price as pre-order retail version most of the time :rolleyes:)
4-6 months old=33-50% discount
7-9 months old=50-66% discount
10-12 + months old=75-90% discount

So most PC gamers will already own these games they become popular digital sales for newer gamers & or the odd DLC & or game purchase from existing PC gamers. The days of these sales having any genuine bargains are long gone they are now cynical spreadsheet driven events you can predict the prices from in advance :(

I'm not convinced it was ever much different, just in the early days there were more games on offer that we hadn't all got around to buying, plus less alternative sales. Up to 50% off a game thats only been out 6 months is still a bargain imo.

Bah, just realised Far Cry 4 isn't on Steam :mad: I was looking forward to seeing that discounted.

Wouldn't have been much of a discount anyway, its only just been released. Plus the RRP is so stupidly high on this game that you'd need a massive discount to make it reasonable.

Are there any cards out yet for this years badge? They usually appear as 'mystery' cards just before the sale starts then change to the real ones.

I could be wrong but I think its usually only for the major sales, Summer and Christmas (or Holiday!), rather than the little in between sales like this one.
Might give some of the indie games a blast this time around. Something I can pick up and play for an hour or so.
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