Steam sale starts wed 26

Some of these sales on newish released within the last 2 months games are a real eye opener :rolleyes: they are really punishing pre-orderers or early adopters with these prices :eek:

Nonsense, pre-orderers and early adopters do so to play the game before anyone else.

Do you think the publishers owe you anything other than early access to test their buggy crap? The sooner early adopters wake up to the fact that all they're doing is testing the game and paying for the privilege, the sooner they'll stop paying for it.
Does this sale not have flash deals? Or are they only on the bigger sales?

Two things I want are on sale, but is it safe to buy, or still wait till last day in case they pop up in a daily deal?
Are you getting confused with early access and pre-orders/new releases?

In any event, if they do it too much release sales suffer because more people wait for the sales. But theres no sign of that happening, some will pay the premium to get access on release, others even more for before release...
Nonsense, pre-orderers and early adopters do so to play the game before anyone else.

Do you think the publishers owe you anything other than early access to test their buggy crap? The sooner early adopters wake up to the fact that all they're doing is testing the game and paying for the privilege, the sooner they'll stop paying for it.

Fair enough but maybe you should be thanking them rather than mocking, if it wasn't for people buying games at full price then I'm sure quite a few publishers wouldn't find it financially viable.
Its a recent thing up until now it took 6 months or longer before you would get more than 33% off on Steam for full price games so this is a new sales tactic which obviously undermines people who pay full price @ launch & or support the game by pre-ordering IMO :eek:

No it isn't, and no it didn't. Firstly, your problem is buying games at full price on release. I buy games on release but not at full price (or RRP).

The last game I bought on release (well it was a pre-order) was Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. I got it for £22, already getting close to a third off that you think is a kick in the face before the game is even out.

Good luck to everyone who gets the bargains they want :D but it also offends the full price buyers not sure its such a good idea to offer such large discounts this soon who would buy @ full price in future if this trend continues ?

Not me thats for sure ;)

Speak for yourself. I'm a release buyer depending on the game, it doesn't offend me.

It's always been the case, if it's a game you really want, buy at release so you don't have to wait. If you don't mind waiting, then know it'll be reduced within a few months of release.

Maybe the problem is that you're not shopping around and getting the best price, because these prices that you find so offensive are similar to the prices available for pre-orders or release prices of a lot of games.

When you buy directly from Steam, you will often not get competitive prices, so stop buying games directly through Steam.
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