Steam sale

13 Jun£2.88 Purchase
Castle Crashers, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

13 Jun£9.49 Purchase
Tales from the Borderlands

13 Jun£10.79 Purchase
Homeworld Remastered Collection

12 Jun£2.99 Purchase
Child of Light

12 Jun£5.73 Purchase
DeadCore, Tesla Effect

12 Jun£1.49 Purchase
Sir, You Are Being Hunted Steam

I told myself I wasn't going to buy anything :(
I've been dancing around Plague, Inc. for months now and it's on 25% off... granted it's not a daily deal, but is it worth the £8.99 if it doesn't go any lower over the course of the sales? What's putting me off is it's a (free?) app for mobiles.

It may be too late, but seriously don't bother with plague inc. It is a total rip off of the free flash game pandemic II, but with slightly improved graphics and needless clicking.
It may be too late, but seriously don't bother with plague inc. It is a total rip off of the free flash game pandemic II, but with slightly improved graphics and needless clicking.

I did buy it but after playing it for an hour I just don't really like it. I love tactical games but this just isn't tactical enough and it just seems a bit "clicky" with not much thought behind it. Nevermind :) was worth a try. I put a refund request in to Steam.
I did buy it but after playing it for an hour I just don't really like it. I love tactical games but this just isn't tactical enough and it just seems a bit "clicky" with not much thought behind it. Nevermind :) was worth a try. I put a refund request in to Steam.
To be honest, while it doesn't have the needless clicking, pandemic II doesn't require a huge amount of thought either. As soon as you realise the best way to go is to have a fast spreading virus with no visible symptoms then its just down to luck, and whether Madagascar closes their damned port before you spread there:mad:.
I have £1.79 left. My haul so far:

Alpha Protocol
Gods Will Be Watching
Hitman Franchise
LA Noire
Ths War Of Mine
To The Moon
Watch Dogs

All for just under £50. That's a hell of a lot of entertainment there. What to spend the remaining £1.79 on though...
FTL if it comes up and you don't have it. Its on Humble and GOG for around that price in the sale usually.

Edit: Currently £3.49 50% off, it should go lower but its worth the full price
Glad its not just me then lol.

This war of mine
Van helsing

And some others, so bad i cant remember which..I seem to collect games "for a rainy day" that hasn't come yet :p
Just from looking at the front page Chivalry, Cities Skylines, CSGO, Borderlands 2, Prison Architect and Tomb Raider are very good deals.

I've only bought one game so far this sale but not because the deals are bad simply because I already own most of the good deals.
I want age of empires 2 HD to drop more.

It's worth the money there charging for it now, i play aoe2 almost exclusively at the moment and gave racked up hours fun playing it online.

I'm now debating whether i should get Cities Skyline or Tropico 5. I enjoyed Tropico 4 but the new Cities game looks like the city builder Ive been waiting for since Sim City 4.
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Never did play AoEII, I did however play AoEIII and put many many many hours into it, loved it was so addictive, NR 40/60 games were awesome to play with 6 players, all out war and carnage :D

Lost the disc now might try get it again, mind you I can't even remember my account name either.
Never did play AoEII, I did however play AoEIII and put many many many hours into it, loved it was so addictive, NR 40/60 games were awesome to play with 6 players, all out war and carnage :D

Lost the disc now might try get it again, mind you I can't even remember my account name either.

I don't know what went wrong with AOE3 but it never got the same following as AOE2. AOE2 is well balanced, everything has a counter or a weakness and the game still has a large following. Just recently the AOE2 community has a tournament with a prize fund of 120,000 usd, not bad for a game from 1999. Even more impressive is Microsoft gave us a patch as recently as March this year.
I don't know what went wrong with AOE3 but it never got the same following as AOE2. AOE2 is well balanced, everything has a counter or a weakness and the game still has a large following. Just recently the AOE2 community has a tournament with a prize fund of 120,000 usd, not bad for a game from 1999. Even more impressive is Microsoft gave us a patch as recently as March this year.

Oh really? I might have to take a look into it then to be honest, I never did play it so might be refreshing! I know what you mean about the balance on 3, Spanish were a nightmare with the cavalry that does a lot of building damage, and French were a pain in the **** as well.
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