Steam sale

I fancy giving a Lego game a try :)

Which is the best?

Also is Deadlight any good?
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Can't go worng with AOE 2 and 3 IMO classic series, bought spec ops the line and cities skyline, might also reinstall left for dead 2 as that is only £4 now, not bad for a sunday morning :)
Looking to pick up AOE 3 also, but waiting to see if it goes lower.

Picked up Darkest Dungeon and Invisible Inc, so I'm happy with those so far :) Honestly though there isn't really anything else I want. Will pick up something from my wishlist if it's a really good deal, otherwise meh.

Also is Deadlight any good?

Very, I loved it. I always thought it got hard done by with its critic reviews. Easily worth £1.99 though.
I fancy giving a Lego game a try :)

Which is the best?

Also is Deadlight any good?

I'm currently playing through LEGO Jurassic World and really enjoying it. It tells the story of the original two (so far) very well and has all the sense of humour you would expect from a LEGO game :)

Also Deadlight is brilliant! get it.
Ah man so much to choose from :o currently got Prison Architect and This War Of Mine in my cart.

Anything else anyone recommend which is quite cheap? Borderlands GOTY Edition good for £4.99?
Ah man so much to choose from :o currently got Prison Architect and This War Of Mine in my cart.

Anything else anyone recommend which is quite cheap? Borderlands GOTY Edition good for £4.99?

If you're looking at Borderlands GOTY consider skipping straight ahead to BL2 GOTY!

Vastly improved game and you'll miss little in the way of story. Don't get me wrong - BL is a superb game but once you've played BL2 you'll find it hard to go back! :)
ive done very well this sale(regarding not spending much!)

so far only bought:

child of light
valiant hearts
cook,serve,delicious(wanted a silly little fun game)

any games i should be looking to grab that u guys recomend and are at good prices?.
Just got a refund on Wolfenstein New Order...what a steaming POS (no pun intended)

Non SLI, stuttering from all the streaming, frame rate drops down to the 30's, texture fade/pop fact the juddering frame rate was actually giving me motion sickness!

Lowering the settings only helped to a tiny degree, I really can't understand how it could run so badly given it uses the same engine as RAGE, and that ran perfectly smoothly for me.

Very disappointed TBH as it was a game I was holding out for in the Steam sales..:(
ive done very well this sale(regarding not spending much!)

so far only bought:

child of light
valiant hearts
cook,serve,delicious(wanted a silly little fun game)

any games i should be looking to grab that u guys recomend and are at good prices?.

I have heard good things about 'this war of mine' so have picked it up myself. My only purchase in the sale so far.
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