Also is Deadlight any good?
I fancy giving a Lego game a try
Which is the best?
Also is Deadlight any good?
Can't go worng with AOE 2 and 3 IMO classic series, bought spec ops the line and cities skyline, might also reinstall left for dead 2 as that is only £4 now, not bad for a sunday morning![]()
I fancy giving a Lego game a tryQUOTE]
I have all the lego games and they are worth getting and great fun, I got them for my son![]()
I fancy giving a Lego game a try
Which is the best?
Also is Deadlight any good?
All for just under £50. That's a hell of a lot of entertainment there. What to spend the remaining £1.79 on though...
Just picked up the Age of Empires Legacy Bundle. For just £10 that is amazing value.
Ah man so much to choose fromcurrently got Prison Architect and This War Of Mine in my cart.
Anything else anyone recommend which is quite cheap? Borderlands GOTY Edition good for £4.99?
ive done very well this sale(regarding not spending much!)
so far only bought:
child of light
valiant hearts
cook,serve,delicious(wanted a silly little fun game)
any games i should be looking to grab that u guys recomend and are at good prices?.