Steam sale

The Wargame series is well worth a punt if you like your RTS. At £1.59 for the first one you cannot go wrong, in fact it's theft !!

I bought the franchise for a tenner :D installed the first game and I'm loving it. Didn't get the tutorial at first as it's more vague than what you usually receive.
Seriously, my Steam game list is getting unmanageable. They need more categories than alphabetical. I immediately forget the names of purchases during the sale. "Recently Purchased" would be ideal. Or better, put them in genre order.

Edit - as soon as I post this I see the custom categories button :o
If this is the DLC's for "Crew Expendable" and "Last Survivor" then, these are the exact same events from the first Alien film at the end of the movie... but the replay value isn't there really, once you done it you done it, so it's up to you if you want to spend the money on it.

It's the season pass iirc. Will give it a miss for this sale so, thanks!
£2.09 in Steam wallet. Gonna try and get 3 games from that. Any good CHEAP ones? Indie is fine (and probably my only hope)

Currently bought:

IL-2 Sturmovik-1946
Turbo Dismount
How To Survive
£2.09 in Steam wallet. Gonna try and get 3 games from that. Any good CHEAP ones? Indie is fine (and probably my only hope)

My suggestions:
Pool Nation - 69p
Beep - 15p
Castle Crashers - 99p

No idea if you have any of those, but worth the low prices IMO.

Also, have a look on here, keep scrolling down until you get to the Summer Sale section. Loads of cheap games, bound to find something :cool:
"Lisa" is down to £2.09 in the flash deals.

I think it's an RPGmaker game, but it looks pretty hilarious and is very well received. The story is supposed to be great. Had it on my wishlist for a while, so will pick it up.
Realised that I won £179 earlier in the month after spending a fiver that I'd had in my Bet365 account for years on the slots. £25 more into the steam wallet haha!
£3.66 so far:

IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Rock of Ages
Pool Nation
Developer Alliance Bundle (Polarity, BEEP, Camera Obscura, Out There Somewhere)

I wanted to get BEEP and Out There Somewhere but saw the bundle for £0.54 so thought it’d be rude not to!

Going to see if Ikagura drops lower than 50% off, Wolfenstein: Old Blood discount goes less than 33% and Dying Light drops lower than 10%.
OlliOlli Steam Store
Project CARS Digital Edition Steam Store
Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition Steam Store
Prison Architect Standard Steam Store
L.A. Noire Complete Edition Steam Store
Max Payne 3 Collection Steam Store

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