Steam sale

I have lots of the best games already, so I'm kind of filling in gaps where I thought I might have mised something fun...

- OMSI 2 (very detailed but anally retentive bus simulator - have requested a refund already...)
- To the Moon (seems like the game I'm most likely to play)
- Game Dev Tycoon (cheap, but then it feels cheap. Will give it a go.)
Thoughts on "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter"? Looks pretty good, and if the graphics in-game are anything like the trailer then colour me impressed.

It's a short game but i thought it was really good. The gfx really are impressive, especially as it's an indie game rather than a AAA. Definitely worth the price IMO, I paid a bit more at christmas and thought it was worth the £8-9 I paid.
Thoughts on "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter"? Looks pretty good, and if the graphics in-game are anything like the trailer then colour me impressed.

Graphics are stunning, game play is slow, but different. Good game if you get it cheap.

Highly recommend Wolf among us for a fiver, and chivalry is a great laugh
Do all games that have been on sale (but currently aren't) go back on sale at the end? Or just certain ones?

For example, I missed out on Styx when it was £9.99 now it's £14.99. What's the likelihood of it going back to it's cheapest price on the last day?
Alien Isolation is just ridiculously good for £7.99 for anyone who still doesn't have it.

I've been waiting for that, 75% off, yes please. That'll do me. Now I just need the same to happen for Black Mesa (but I'll probably wait for the Xen levels to be completed first as I have the free version already) Elite Dangerous @ 10% off... interesting but not enough, not yet.

Might pick up GTA Vice City, used to have on disc years ago but lost long ago.. at £1.74 its tempting to add to the collection again.
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Thoughts on "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter"? Looks pretty good, and if the graphics in-game are anything like the trailer then colour me impressed.

It's a short game but i thought it was really good. The gfx really are impressive, especially as it's an indie game rather than a AAA. Definitely worth the price IMO, I paid a bit more at christmas and thought it was worth the £8-9 I paid.

If I had known it was short would. Have installed and started today.

Been wanting a shortish but nice looking game.
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