How To Survive for 59p down from £12. Insta buy.
Don't forget to go to the store page and you can get How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition for 74p!
How To Survive for 59p down from £12. Insta buy.
Anyone played WarGame? It's currently in the flash sale. or do you recommend another franchise for this type of game?
Defense Grid 2 for me today, been waiting for that.
Alien Isolation is just ridiculously good for £7.99 for anyone who still doesn't have it.
I have made a few purchases so far !Space Hulk Ascension Edition + Space Hulk Ascension - Imperial Fists
How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth
Wargame: Red Dragon
Prison Architect Standard
Ultimate General: Gettysburg
Door Kickers
Homeworld Remastered Collection
This thread is rather quiet. Steam sale threads usually go like the clappers.
In my opinion it has been quite a poor sale by steam standards, maybe that's not helping!
Damn wasn't going to buy anything but Banner Saga looks pretty good
Any thoughts on Insurgency? The realism seems nice.