Steam sale

Originally posted by Drake:
Valve told us we were going to be on the Daily Deal program. I wanted to do more than 17% discount as indeed it is a Daily Deal. We were strongly strongly told not to given the game's only 2 weeks old. So we went we accepted to go at 17%. We probably therefore should refused to be a Daily Deal in that case, but we didn't. That is the entire story behind it. I do apologize for accepting to be in the Daily Deal program in that case, and I really hope everyone enjoys the game regardless.

All the best,

I just want resident evil hd remake to be on sale '75%' and I'll be happy to call it quits on this years summer sale

Same here but don't have much hope. Based on how th sale has been, my guess would be if it ever makes it to daily or flash sale, it'll be 50% or 66% tops.

Love to be wrong though.

Level: 7846470.
:rolleyes: :confused:
Was trying to join a higher room, but was greeted with message that anything over 10 levels higher than my max isn't joinable. And that's way under 100K let a lone in the millions.
needforspeed, why the confusion and rolleyes? You managed to get into a good room. Just dont nuke the bosses or you'll ruin it for everyone.

Bane, Keep an eye on this twitch chat about 30 mins or so after the game is reset. Around half 5 if you are about. They post the rooms up in the chat and you can usually get into at least one room at the start. They usually post around 9 official rooms, but they said tomorrow it'll be more like 20-30, so a very high chance of getting into a good game tomorrow if you want to.
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Cheers for that Mark A. I was relying on Reddit, and the rooms exceeded my score way before information was available on forum.
Oh and Hand of Fate is great too. Well worth £10. I've racked up 27 hours on that so that's... 37p an hour.
I've bought Prison Architect (one of the better early access titles from what I have heard, along the likes of KSP. Haven't played much, but seems like a good time sink/waster which will be good for my rMBP (game runs of Mac so... :D)), LISA (Seriously, look it up. Depressing atmosphere, unique drama, strong narrative, and a weird sense of humour, all mixed in to a JRPG formula.), and Rayman Origins so far (loved Legends, and this one doesn't use uPlay supposedly :D).

There's a bunch of older RPG's that I've wanted to buy, but GOG just seems like the better choice, e.g. I wanted to buy Gothic 1 again, but you can't, you have to instead buy it as part of a bundle (and I don't really want the two other games).
Is Batman: Arkham Origins worth it? at £3.74 seems worth a gamble. Loved the first two.

I think so. City is better, Origins doesn't add too much to what City had but still fun enough - and worth the price of a cup of coffee!

I'm playing through it now (from the last sale) in practice for the release of Knight next week.

Think the best steam sale deal I have had was years ago when the first Stalker game was like £1.50 or something. They ran out of keys because it was so popular.

Didnt expect much from a game being given away for that price, but turned out to be one of the best gaming experiences I have had.
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