Steam sale

Got Aoe2, was upset at first as still showed 5.09 price. 1 min later after a few refreshes it was 2.29 or somit, so bought it. Did consider getting a few ppl together to get the 4pack but dont know if a lot of ppl wanted it these days. I just wana replay the campaign as i remember liking that.
Got Aoe2, was upset at first as still showed 5.09 price. 1 min later after a few refreshes it was 2.29 or somit, so bought it. Did consider getting a few ppl together to get the 4pack but dont know if a lot of ppl wanted it these days. I just wana replay the campaign as i remember liking that.
The campaign was so addictive, lost many hours playing that,got so bad though would shut the curtains and switch off the phone lol.
Resident Evil series on offer... the remaster is the same price as it always has been :/ Getting tired of that, it's a few times I've noticed it over the sales they've just put a game up on daily for the same discount.
Fallout 3 GOTY has a note: "Notice: Fallout 3 is not optimized for Windows 7 and later."

What does that mean exactly? :confused:

I have the original retail version and it runs fine?
FO3 GOTY and New Vegas Ultimate Edition for me today.

Never gave FO3 a chance when it first came out and feel i need to give it and NV a go as a lead in to FO4.

Gonna be a fun summer
Fallout 3 GOTY has a note: "Notice: Fallout 3 is not optimized for Windows 7 and later."

What does that mean exactly? :confused:

I have the original retail version and it runs fine?

It just means it was never "officially" tested or received any additional support to run on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. Doesn't mean it won't work, in fact it's very likely to work flawlessly.
Kept hoping the Res Evil remaster discount was just steam slow to update but seems not. Getting pretty tired of them throwing daily deals up that are exactly the same as they've been all sale long.

Still going to pick one finger death punch of the flash sale and might pick up mortal kombat but RE remaster can forget it.


Assassin's Creed Rogue. I really loved the whole ship combat and pirate sections of Black Flag, is rogue worth it at all for more of that or is it more traditional Assassin Creed gameplay focused?
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Lol at Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I bought New Vegas in the 2013 Summer Sale for £3.75 (75% off), yet two years later it costs more, FO3 was 75% off in the big sales too :/.
If you like grand strategy games check out EU4. I have 59 hours on Civ 5, 956 hours on EU4 :D

Can even offer to help with a quick get to grips tutorial game or so to teach the ropes.
Lol at Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I bought New Vegas in the 2013 Summer Sale for £3.75 (75% off), yet two years later it costs more, FO3 was 75% off in the big sales too :/.

Yeah I did wonder if they were cheaper previously... wtf Valve.
Just bought Max Payne 3 for £3.74.

So far I've bought Crusader Kings II and Game Of Thrones: The Telltale Series. Looks like it will take me quite a while to grasp Crusader Kings. Just started watching some tutorial videos on Youtube. Felt like I was in History class, but I know I'm going to become in love with it. Eventually.
Just bought Max Payne 3 for £3.74.

So far I've bought Crusader Kings II and Game Of Thrones: The Telltale Series. Looks like it will take me quite a while to grasp Crusader Kings. Just started watching some tutorial videos on Youtube. Felt like I was in History class, but I know I'm going to become in love with it. Eventually.

had the same issue, massive learning curve but there is an addictive game there somewhere i bet! not tried it for a while!
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