Steam sale

Is the monster game supposed to take me to a screen with retro music but nothing else? I can't see or do anything... guess it's broken...
Any tips on surviving the steam sale, I've told my wife to keep an eye on the bank balance as i don't trust myself.
Is the monster game supposed to take me to a screen with retro music but nothing else? I can't see or do anything... guess it's broken...
It's broken for me
Can anyone recommend games on sale that are good fro kids, need some new games for my nephew who is 4

Atm he plays F1 race stars and the next car game:wreckfast physics preview test arena thing.

He manages just about but thats his limit really, just driving a car around. i'm open to suggestions to other games people have let family of a similar age play.
next car game is awesome, my son is 5 and he loves Lego world but doubt that will be on sale
Can anyone recommend games on sale that are good fro kids, need some new games for my nephew who is 4

Atm he plays F1 race stars and the next car game:wreckfast physics preview test arena thing.

He manages just about but thats his limit really, just driving a car around. i'm open to suggestions to other games people have let family of a similar age play.

Here's some my daughter who's four plays, if you have a 360 controller or he's happy to use a keyboard mouse he'll be fine, if he struggles with a mouse I'd suggest getting one of the mini-mice you can get for a couple of quid as it's better for small hands and putting stickers on keys helps them figure out what keys do something in minecraft etc on the PC, you'd be surprised how quickly they pick it up. I used custom backlight config on my mechanical keyboard so my daughter knows what keys to press to play. She's pretty good at moving around and has made herself a house and a pony stables etc.

Keyboard mouse games:

Minecraft (not on steam..)
Terraria - little fiddly tbh.
Starbound - arguably a more young kid friendly Terraria, less cluttered interface etc but still probably one for him to watch you play.

360 controller:

Goat simulator - can also play in two player split screen.
Lego Marvel - Awesome fun and split screen, probably has the most longevity of any of the lego games, tons of superheroes to choose from and they can just wander around and drive cars.
Lego hobbit - second best lego game I've tried, can be a little scary.
Lego lord of the rings - tbh bit iffy as the puzzles are just too frequent.
Tiny Brains - puzzle game.
Big Bang racing - only £2 today :)
Zero Gear - Basically a rip off of Mario cart.
Ikaruga - old style top down shoot em up manga style thing, just look at a video of it. it's pretty insane tbh but completely different from other games she plays.

any controller:
Octodad - Honestly they'll end themselves laughing at this. Never thought my daughter would persevere with it but she loves it. Does require a bit of explaining to them as my daughter didn't realise at first that octodad's wife didn't realise he was an octopus..

If you asked for 3 and had a controller I'd go for these:

Lego Marvel super heroes (Split screen is incredibly good fun)
Minecraft (learning mouse/keyboard + helps imagination)
Octodad (hilarious)

Those three will keep him laughing for ages and will help him learn how to use a mouse as well as a 360 controller. It's great fun playing Lego Marvel tbh and I'm not a Marvel fan at all - it's just genuinely a fantastic game! :D
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Same here, level 10 and beat the boss. I'm getting more annoyed now. I've been at this more than people on my friends list and somehow they have all steamed ahead, even one of them at level 21! How is my team so useless?:mad:
Somehow got to lvl20 at one point, refreshed and it put me back to lvl10 with no upgrades :confused::confused::confused: this game is just so broken.
Think once you complete level 10 you get a card, but it depends on your teams ability to kill the trash mobs together after boss is dead.

Probably get a new card after every 10th level boss fight, but still stuck on level 20.
On lv20 and the re-spawning mobs have proved too much I think. probably hardly anyone is using an auto clicker and there's no way to communicate...

Is there even any point going past lv20?
Thanks for the suggestions halfmad and rentaspoon
No Problem, just scrolling down my steam list.

Kerbal Space Program - try the demo first, my son loves sending rockets to space and landing on the Mun, difficult learning curve but it's entertaining watching the ships crash into the ground while you learn.

Luftrausers - short but fun 2d arcade plane shooter, wasted many hours on this
Little inferno - I don't enjoy this but according to my son "burning things is fun" :/
Legend of Dungeon - stupid little dungeon crawler, hours spent on this
Can anyone recommend games on sale that are good fro kids, need some new games for my nephew who is 4

Atm he plays F1 race stars and the next car game:wreckfast physics preview test arena thing.

He manages just about but thats his limit really, just driving a car around. i'm open to suggestions to other games people have let family of a similar age play.

All the Lego games are dirt cheap on at the moment mate

I think the sale killed it :(

Edit: And it's back, that was short lived :D
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