Steam sale

woohoo Homeworld remastered for £10

was a massive fan but held out due to having a big backlog and knowing i would have no time to play

nice £15 saving
Has anyone played that stupid monster game? It seems to broken to me. You just spam click the things on the screen? Most of the time it wont even load for me.
Has anyone played that stupid monster game? It seems to broken to me. You just spam click the things on the screen? Most of the time it wont even load for me.

I don't know what they were thinking, they barely manage to keep steam running during the sales, and they decide to add this...

Not sure what I'm meant to be doing, I click on them lots and their health goes down, but then it stops and nothing happens even when I click on them. Don't know if I'm doing it wrong or its just screwed.
For the mini game, do the abilities such as "metal detector" last? Don't want to waste gold if its a single level buff.
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